8 thoughts on “The president clarifies

    1. The Greek word used for dung in Philippians 3:8 is “skubalon”, and may mean dung, crap, sh$t, as well as rubbish or refuse. The connotation the Apostle Paul is portraying is that all his Jewish learning and works of the Law are, when compared to knowing Christ, to be considered as detestable waste.
      One might say the same about Chicago or sh@thole countries, or the Clinton, Bush or Rothschild families.

  1. Oh, you guys would love Chicago, goddamn lawless toilet but with damn good food, if you live long enough to eat it.

    1. Time to eat it is one thing, Mark. The odds go down significantly when time to digest it enters the equation.
      Can you say: “Last Meal”?

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