32 thoughts on “Metallica – Wherever I May Roam

  1. My all time favorite band!!!!!!!!!! I grew up a metal head, Mohawk painted red at 14, upside down cross, black lipstick, I was what you wanted to bring home to momma, NOT!!!! I am still a metal head, always will be, its in me, buti met this guy when i was 17, he was in the army, short hair, all spiffy, well my exact opposite, but 25 years later, we are still totogether, 3 children, 9 animals and counting, the rest is history. But anyway, I love metallica, all 3 of my kids love metallica, they were raised on it, to me they are just awesome. There is one album they put out, st. Anger, I hated it, but that album got my husband and his crew through a war. My son loved it, and that bond is still there with st. Anger, go figure! Music touches everybody different, I like country (old stuff) but metal, that is what gets me going!!!!

        1. I listened to it again. You are right. It does. I Love Jesus, metal was always my way of escape I guess you could say, my rebel side. I am not a rebel now, but I always have been. Just me, I have always bucked the system so to say, I am not well liked. I turn to Jesus, like everybody else, well now they dog it. Well kiss my big Cajun butt, I love Jesus, thank God he gave his only begotten Son, or I would be doomed to death. Because Jesus sacrificed himself I now have redemption. You cannot ask for anything else. I had a shitty life, great, it taught me things, one thing I do know for a fact, Jesus Christ is Alive and Well, I love him and He loves me.

      1. Deb, Metallica Black, best album ever!! 🙂 It is what helped me survive life, it was my bible, before I knew Jesus.

  2. I never considered that, since I did not know God when I heard it years ago, but I can see that. A lot of Metallica’s songs do. What is funny in my teenage years my walls were plastered with heavy metal posters, some satanic, my mom never said a word, but when I would play the music, the music she had an issue with was not satanic. Go figure. She always would say how metallica was the devil. No lady, how about Ozzy, he was evil, drug induced crap. I could get deep here but I will stop!! Just enjoy!

    1. Yea Missy, I know about their drug rehab up in minnesota tell ya the truth 🙂 I do.
      Yea I have been holding off posting their song “ONE” and thinking aboyut it now actualy. dang it.

      1. Hey digger, you wanted to call, I went through my phone. I can’t find your number. I emailed you. Metallica kept me alive, I was homeless at the age of 15, my mom kicked me to the curb, literally, metallica was my Jesus back in the day. Still love them.

  3. Geeze Missy, hope your mom was nothing like mine. She would chase my sister down the road for wearing jeans, drag her back home and make her wear ‘slacks’. Urgh the memories 🙁

    1. no deb my mom would chase my sister to get her raped. (my sister was raped by one of mom’s boyfriends)My mom and I don’t speak, not a good woman, always took men over her kids, thank God my dad saw it, slut 101, but I can say Dad was an ass and still is, but he is still there, she is a whore, period.

      1. Ya konw what my mother caled me evil because I was the evil twin that lived, ya no shit, my twin was my sister that got strangled by my umbilical cord and I was personaly blamed for it.

        Yea the very last words out of my moms mouth was ” why is dan so evil ” Yep true story.

        Maybe that is why I`m f`ed up thinkin lke I do 59 + yr.s later but then that is just a BS excuse isn`t it !!!

  4. My favorite Mettalica was the S&M album(symphony and Mettalica,get your mind out of the gutter!).Proved to me what I knew for decades,that the more aggressive/loud classical music and metal really share a lot in common.The band and SF symphony played two nights together,band in their street clothes with symphony in tuxes ect.,though didn’t see live the show is all over the net

    1. Alot of bands have tried that, but only metallica pulled it off. No leaf clover was one of the best tunes on that album. A lot of folks don’t like st. Anger, but I thought is was good.

      1. Uh,bulldog,well….,must respectfully disagree.My favorite band of all time used orchestras in their albums and small ones on some live tours during the 70’s.This of course would be Jethro Tull!They really mixed thru the years jazz/blues/classical/folk/rock and even heavy metal(think of Aqualung and Minstrel In The Gallery guitar riffs!),they pulled it off very well I would say!

        1. Agree 100% with you James. Although Metallica is an awesome band, Tull is by far my favorite. Ian Anderson has arguably the best voice in rock and Martin Barre is the most underrated guitarist I know. I’ve had the chance to see them in concert 6 times. Best shows ever.

          1. Les,saw em since babysitters took me when 12 in 1974 about 115 Tull shows thru the decades!Have seen over 600 shows total thru the years and even was in a band for a few years,actually had in my opinion a few good originals

          2. Wow 115 shows, so you definitely know what I’m talking about when I said best shows ever! Hat’s off to you my friend,and to say I was proud of my 6 Tull concerts. 🙁 I have everything they ever recorded including Ian’s solo albums.It’s a pleasure talking to a true fan. I was also in a band for a while and we covered a few Tull songs.
            Also Zep, Floyd, James Gang, Sabbath, Neil Young, CSN&Y and I forget some. The 70’s were a very interesting decade. Ah to be young again! Still play the Les every now and then, but with the onset of rhumatisme/arthritist(spelling) the fingers ain’t as nimble these days. 🙁 Very sad playing the guitar was (is) one of my greatest pleasures
            and I can see soon not being able to play at all. That will truely be the saddest day of my life. 🙁
            A friend in Tull

          3. Hi #1 even if you only saw them once, you know what we are talking about. 🙂 They surely impressed you if they are on your top 5 list. Awesome band. Cheers #1

          4. Zeppelin, Yes (believe it or not), and The Who (1st time) were my top three, in that order. Tull came in 4th (close call, though. Almost a toss-up for that spot with Zappa). 🙂

          5. Hi #1 All good choices there #1. I saw Yes once in concert, very good show. Never saw Zep but I did see Robert Plant. Zappa was/is also a good choice. Have a nice day #1

  5. Great song. I also like “Enter Sandman”. It reminds me of sleepless nights of horror yet to come.

      1. Les,look into Tai Chi,is amazing the internal benefits of it,has literally gotten folks out of wheelchairs and back walking among other benefits,truly seems to heal from the inside out,may help with arthritis and would look into other more natural healing for it,you don’t want to put down the Les Paul,used to pick on my friends custom but just not musically inclined and was thus just the lead vocalist in band.I travelled a few years back 2000 miles to see the 40th Anniversary of Aqualung in Red Rocks,was 2 days off from 40 years of the Red Rocks riot at Tull show there then.I saw em a few years earlier again in Red Rocks,friends in Boulder made it no brainer to visit and do it while shows out there.The 70’s tours were my favorite and saw about 60 in that time frame,my folks didn’t really get it but as they enjoyed music could sorta understand,hell,all the best shows were in the 70’s saw!Good luck beating the arthritis and get that Les Paul screaming thru a Marshall Stack(preferably tube if lucky!),your neighbors will love you,good stack they will hear you a 1/4 mile away easy!

        1. Hi there James, Tai Chi, I will certainly look into that, thanks for the heads up. I was poisoned from taking “statins” (Lipitor,Crestor) to control cholesterol, and am suffering from irreversible (apparently) and progressive muscle and nerve damage and my arthritis stems from that. From the research I have done on this, my life expectation has gone down dramatically, as it affects the muscles and the heart (being a muscle) is affected, and will only get worse. Some days, anywhere from a day to a week or more, the symptoms, although don’t disappear, are at least on a level I can function and then it starts again (like today) and I am in moderate to sever pain, which is migratory, and can last for a week or two at a time, then the pain abates for a while. When the pain comes back, a couple of fingers (on my fretting hand) feel like I hit them with a hammer and cannot bend them at all. Also during those days I am not useful for anything as I can hardly move. So to anyone reading this and you take statins, if ever you feel any unusual muscle weakness or pain stop the statin immediately and consult your doctor. I (as most will) thought it was just part of aging (it’s not) and ignored the symptoms until too late. I stopped the statins over a year ago but the pain does not go away and worsens. I am a few months shy of 60 and some days feel like an 85 year old who was run over a few time by a bus. Like i”ve said some days I feel pretty god and can work my way through the leads on Comfortably Numb, and other days I can’t even do simple power chords. 🙁 . So I’ll check up on Tai Chi, never know. I would give my left nut for a Marshall stack or a Mesa Boogie (warmer tone). These days I’m content playing through a 65w Behringer (tubed) with an on board effects processor (saves on pedals). It suprisingly rocks and has very good tone. As far as the neighbors they haven’t said anything yet, so I must be doing all right. :-). The concerts man I do envy you for having seen so much. :-), and you are right the 70’s had the better ones. Again thanks for the heads up on Tai Chi. Keep rocking Bro! 🙂 A friend in Tull.

          1. Les,best of luck,a lot of sites out there with natural remidies(i.e. you put em together yourself,they make no money selling you stuff),might try a look and see.I still have a old PA system in a warehouse,16 channel board,speakers/monitors ect.I think going to see some young kids gigging out somewhere and the ones I like will just give it to em,just collecting dust and a waste,old school but kicking system!On a side note,have you noticed Tull fans/connoisseurs of the band just seem to a lot brighter and better looking then the average person?!Rock on Les!

          2. Hi James yes I will keep on searching for sure :-). It woulde be very good to donate it to some band, I know back in the band days we truly would have appreciated band equipment for free. You would be very generous.
            As for “have you noticed Tull fans/connoisseurs of the band just seem to a lot brighter and better looking then the average person?!” Yes I have, every time I speak or look in the mirror. 🙂 🙂 Good one James 🙂 🙂 Cheers Bro.

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