Michael Moore: Hunt Down and Execute GM Officials Behind Ignition-Related Deaths

Breitbart – by CHRISTIAN TOTO

Michael Moore doesn’t believe in the death penalty, even in horrific murder cases or other stomach-churning acts.

The far-left filmmaker will make an exception to his anti-death penalty stance, though. He wants the GM executives responsible for preventing a recall of faulty ignitions put to death by the state.

GM is holding hearings this week on the subject, which convinced Moore to take to his Facebook page for his latest proclamation.  

Moore turned the situation political by cursing a member of President George W. Bush’s team, praising the new GM which, in his words, is “essentially” owned by U.S. citizens given the government’s takeover of the company and bashing capitalism.

Moore blamed former President George W. Bush’s Transportation Department for ignoring the problem in 2007 and praised new GM CEO Mary Barra for telling the truth about the problem.

“Only now, under the newly-configured GM — owned, essentially, by you and me from 2009 through last year — has the truth come out,” he wrote. “And my guess is that it has to do with the fact that a mother now runs General Motors….

No, the cause of this tragedy is an economic system that places profit above everything else, including — and especially — human life. GM has a legal and fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders to make the biggest profits that it can. And if their top people crunch the numbers and can show that they will save more money by NOT fixing or replacing the part, then that is what they are going to goddam well do. F*** you, f*** me, and f*** everybody they sent to their deaths. That pretty much sums up their “culture”. They knew they wouldn’t get caught, and if they did, no one would ever serve any time.

I hope someone in the Obama administration will get out the handcuffs, the SWAT teams, or the U.S. army if need be, march into GM headquarters in downtown Detroit and haul away anyone who is there who had anything to do with this. And if they already left town, hunt them down and bring them in to face justice.


8 thoughts on “Michael Moore: Hunt Down and Execute GM Officials Behind Ignition-Related Deaths

  1. Michael Moore is a Zionist propagandist who is trying to improve his name recognition by saying something radical.

    He’s just another Alex Jones aimed at a different market.

  2. I am not a fan but if executives did know people were dieing to just save a few dollars on switches and then didn’t even warn folks,well,hate to say this but agree with him(will probably never happen again!).

  3. I posted this because I hate this fat pig, but I love to see the words in print “Hunt Down and Execute” If you or I said this we would be in a dark cell.

  4. They should be put on trial and the possibility of death left on the table if a jury says so. Profits should never trump the life of a person and knowingly allowing the cars to be produced should involve attempted murder for every one produced and sold by all parties in the know. If Michael Moore choked to death on a chicken bone not to many people would mourn his passing.

  5. What a load of BS! That fat f**k never cared about anything but making money. He’s there to advance the Zio agenda and cash in. It’ll take two or three ropes to hang him.

  6. I’ve never seen a single movie made by this POS loser.

    However, it would be well worth the price of admission to see him hang.

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