12 thoughts on “Gene Simmons says gentiles are for manual labor

  1. And at least one gentile believes that people who don’t want to do their share of the manual labor, should be tossed into a mass grave before the rest of us have to support them with our work.

    Isn’t Gene Simmons a screeching, dancing, faggot? Why does anyone care what his opinion is? Are we showing this pervert undeserved reverence just because a different freak decided to put his sissy ass in front of a TV camera? Is that what makes his opinion allegedly important to everyone else?

    EVERYTHING on TV is a lie. EVERY PERSON on TV is a Jew who helps to propagate the lies. The TV is an entirely Jewish-owned propaganda device that has caused the downfall of our nation by distracting, and conditioning its viewers, and none of us need to be influenced by that endless nonsense.

  2. OMG, Farmer…. I went into a tirade before I watched the video, and I thought they were talking about the workout-guru Gene Simmons.

    It’s funny as hell that the same tirade applies perfectly to the rock star Gene Simmons.

      1. Oh God — it’s all coming back to me now. The screeching workout guru is RICHARD Simmons. (right?)

        I don’t care. I’m not getting a TV just to remember who these useless bastards are.

        The comment still applies to both of them.

  3. Well, never like KISS but now will never listen to the song, “Back in the New York Groove” again…folks we need to pass this one around because I don’t know about you but no one around here every believes me when I say read the Talmud to find out what many Jews think of us Gentiles. And yes, read the damned (and I mean damned!) Talmud! If you can, get the Hebrew version and translate it…don’t get the version meant for Gentiles….

  4. Gene Simmons can stick his tongue where the sun don’t shine! Nothing but a worthless POS along with all his perverted queer boy band mates. If any of you defend Kiss and say they’re a good band, I say you should be rounded up and put on a deportation barge! 🙂

  5. Protocols of the learned elders of zion, by Sergi Nilus, and
    The Protocols of The Elders of Zion, both books can be found on amazon
    for about 12 bucks each, these are great reads to understand where wer’e
    at, and the jews plans that have all come to pass.

  6. Kiss was the lamest excuse for a “rock” band ever. I never could understand what their”fans” saw in them. All the disguises and flashy shows were meant to hide that fact that they nothing of substance to offer. Now that they are finished raking in the big bucks, it’s time to s**t on the gentiles.
    Eff Kiss and especially Eff Simmons.

  7. CANNOT wait to see the day these hook nose jew bastards get what is coming to them. Hang every one of them and their colaborators too. This shitty 70s band sucked anyway. Not a lick of talent.

  8. This kind of explains why Jews have been booted out of more countries than any other people on Earth. They create the cause for their own suffering and are themselves to blame for Anti-Semitism.
    They’re just not a likable people……….easy to dislike them and very difficult to like them. Best way to deal with them is to boycott them and exclude them from any social interaction with Gentiles.
    Don’t buy from them…don’t sell to them….don’t listen to them….
    Don’t do anything illegal to them but don’t shy away from letting them know you don’t care for them. There is no law that says we must be nice to them.
    Never vote for them and never vote for anyone who espouses their cause.

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