In a Wednesday statement, Michigan Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield said that Rep. Cynthia Johnson has been stripped of her committees and faces ‘further disciplinary action.’
“Threats to either Democrats or Republicans are unacceptable and un-American,” wrote Chatfield in a statement. “They’re even more unbecoming of an elected official,” he added.
“Rep. Johnson has been removed from her committee assignments, and we are looking into further disciplanary action as the proper authorities conduct their own investigations.”
Threats to Democrats or Republicans are unacceptable and un-American. They’re even more unbecoming of an elected official. Rep. CA Johnson has been stripped of her committees and we’re looking into further disciplinary action as the proper authorities conduct their investigation.
— Lee Chatfield (@LeeChatfield) December 9, 2020
Is Michigan Rep. Cynthia Johnson trying to stoke civil war?
In a three-minute video posted to her Facebook page, the Democrat from Detroit said “This is just a warning to you Trumpers… be careful. Tread lightly. We ain’t playin’ with you…“
Johnson then added “And for those of you who are soldiers… you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay.”
Oh my
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) December 9, 2020
Johnson, perhaps realizing what a massively stupid thing she’d done, posted a follow-up video on Wednesday morning which appears to ‘clarify’ that she was talking about ‘soldiers for Christ, against racism and against mysoginy.’
She then went into victim mode, claiming she’s received personal threats after participating in a Dec. 2 Michigan House Oversight meeting featuring Rudy Giuliani – who brought a Dominion Voting System whistleblower that testified to fraud at the TCF Center in Detroit.
Well, lt looks like the Democrats ( who started the Civil War) are looking for a rematch…wow
— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) December 9, 2020
Will Facebook suspend Johnson for her obvious call to violence?
Does this qualify as a threat to a specific group, hate speech, cyberbullying, oath breaking, sedition, conspiracy to commit up to & including murder by calling to action a specific, apparently trained militia? @RudyGiuliani @JennaEllisEsq @DHSgov
— SipAnon (@MissSippygirl) December 9, 2020
Probably the only Resolution she has brought fourth
— Court (@Courtbell10) December 9, 2020
traitor should face the firing squad , having the same soldiers she called on to do the job …right
Is she calling out to her leaderless nfac? That phony fed plant got “arrested” the other day to probably pull his ridiculous arse out of his ops.