5 thoughts on “Microburst Event

        1. Look up Microburst https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microburst

          its basically localized high winds that come straight down until they hit the surface , than the high winds disperse out after hitting the ground

          the yellow aircraft is a Piper Cub , they are designed to fly at slow speeds , so a microburst can cause them to “fly” without being flown (if that makes sense)

          the airframe on a Piper Cub is designed to fly at low airspeed like close to 38 MPH (stall speed air frame stall speed) and not much faster than 80-100 mph .. so if you have a 50 Knot wind that plane is air born just due to the wind across its wings

          I could get into a bunch of aviation shit and pilot speak , but thats a general idea of what took place

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