Military Police Sit Down in Respect to Protest Demonstration SP17-06-2013 Brazil

Published on Jun 19, 2013 by Chase Binnie

“Military Police of São Paulo sit on the floor together with protesters on 17/06/2013.
The People United will never be defeated.”

What is the Military Police? Not sure, check this wiki article. I don’t know for certain.…)

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2 thoughts on “Military Police Sit Down in Respect to Protest Demonstration SP17-06-2013 Brazil

  1. who you workin for,bro?Your kids or theirs?Seems to me their kids have plenty.They have so much that they are protected by you,purchased by the wealth they have stolen from you.i love anybody’s kid and don’t need that crap enforced by thieves wielding piss with me I piss with rights.if I win,we all win.if I lose we’ll just fight you later until we all win.

  2. they don’t have any problems we don’t have.Ours just haven’t come to fruition yet.In short,sound money,personal discipline and individual responsibility rule the day in a free society.If you shit on my doorstep I will not only not foolishly retaliate but will demand remedy in an appropriate court of civil law.Point being don’t shit on my doorstep.That understanding makes good neighbors and sometimes even good friends.

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