Surveillance contractors gave millions in campaign cash to congressional lawmakers

**FILE** Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, speaks May 25, 2013, at a news conference at the World Economic Forum, in Southern Shuneh, southeast of Amman, Jordan. (Associated Press)Washington Times – by Shaun Waterman

Six of the largest government contractors doing “Top Secret” work for the National Security Agency and other U.S. intelligence agencies have given more than $16 million to lawmakers since 2007, according to Maplight, a firm that tracks political donations.

The biggest donors were Lockheed Martin, whose employees gave over $5 million; Boeing, Inc. whose workers chipped in more than $4.5 million; and Northrop Grumman, $3.3 million.  

SAIC, Inc. and consulting giant Accenture each gave more than a million, while Computer Sciences Corporation, with $600,000 and Booz Allen Hamilton with just over $81,000, bring up the rear.

The issue has come under renewed scrutiny after Edward Snowden, the 29-year-old contract worker from Booz Allen, fled the NSA facility in Hawaii with a still-unknown number of Top Secret documents about the agency’s surveillance and data-gathering programs.

He has been leaking providing information to the Guardian newspaper.

The $16 million figure covers campaign contributions from the six companies’ employees and Political Action Committees, from the beginning of 2007 until the end of last year.

Congressional Republicans got more than Democrats, but not by much — $9 million to $7 million.

By far the largest recipient of campaign contributions was GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who got more than $420,000.

All six of the companies included in the figures also have contracts with the Department of Defense.

Democratic Rep. C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger, whose Maryland district includes the Fort Meade headquarters of the NSA, and who is the ranking member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, received the second most in contributions, with just over $225,000.

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9 thoughts on “Surveillance contractors gave millions in campaign cash to congressional lawmakers

  1. This explains why congress has failed to perform its duty to terminate these programs and impeach the president for his multiple violations of the Constitution.

  2. The fox is in the hen house, and being very well fed. And they work for “we the people”??? NOT!!

  3. The root of the problem here is that Amerika has become a Fascist dictatorship. Whenever NGO’s like the Corporations are given positions within a Government and money flows freely to politicians from these Corporations to sway the decision making process, you have FASCISM. This all began with “the act of 1871” when the US Government transformed the Constitution and the Government into a “:Corporation” and in 1913 we the people were made slaves to this “Corporation” by the creation of the Federal Reserve and the income tax act as a way to “Finance” this Government “Corporation”. The reason you are finally seeing them do all this out in the open now is that they now are under the impression they have succeeded in destroying the Constitution and bill of rights so they think they have complete and total control of the people with their New World Order. Welcome to Amerika!

    1. Wow, thanks for straitening me out. All this time I’ve been thinking the CORPORATE powerhouse of China was communist.

      1. and thank you for straightening me out cause I always thought communism was just an invention of the rothschilds or karl marx or some other insignificant fools.Love you,Henry.

  4. All forms of payment to politicians are suspect. Money-interests are not in the habit of giving away money for nothing. It is an investment. An inducement. A BRIBE!

  5. To whom it may concern:China has built a housing bubble that will dwarf 2008.Sky scraper after sky scraper with ten per cent capacity built on fiat currency and therefore artificial credit expansion.You know the Rothschild’s ain’t bankers.They’re criminals.

  6. Why fear the citizens of China or Russia?It’s your own ignorance that will enslave you.Governments work in unison to ensure the destruction.obama wants w.w.3 just like bush did.I want them both hanged to cease hostilities.I’d gladly give my life for peace and I don’t need some horses ass invoking wars on the behalf of my security.

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