Military to train in Broward, Florida this week

Residents film blackhawks flying over Fort LauderdaleSun Sentinel – by Wayne K. Roustan

South Florida is not under attack, according to the Broward Sheriff’s Office.

The U.S. Department of Defense will be conducting routine training March 24-27 inBroward County, officials said. A low-flying aircraft was heard in downtown Fort Lauderdale around 8 p.m. Monday.  

The training will take place at locations throughout the county. The sites have been selected to minimize the impact on the daily routine of residents and visitors, sheriff’s officials said.

Local law enforcement agencies will be providing support, authorities said.

Military personnel have conducted this training in cities across the country to certify service members in urban environment operations are prepared for upcoming overseas deployments, officials said.,0,1278520.story

4 thoughts on “Military to train in Broward, Florida this week

  1. For cryin’ out loud, TRAINING IS TO BE DONE ON A BASE, NOT IN PUBLIC!!!!

    What the hell is wrong with these people? Why are the people taking this shit? It’s illegal and unconstitutional just like everything else the government does these days.

  2. “Training is to be done on a base, not in the public”.
    Answer: All the better to eat you up with, my dear. (Little Red Riding Hood)

  3. The training that is taking place in South Florida is just like the training taking place in other cities around the country.It is to acclimate the citizens with the use of the military in the streets of ameriKa and to instill fear into the citizens of exactly what they are capable of. Law enforcement and military doing what they seem so good at now days,domestic terrorism at its finest for all to see. They want to ignore the Constitution and the Amendments and it is crystal clear why they are doing it.Mraps and drones over ameriKan cities,unlawful stops and searches happening all over the country,DHS,TSA,out of control SWAT teams,CIA,IRS,etc,even a blind fool should be able to see what these traitors are up to!

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