Activist Post – by Kevin Samson
One of the hallmarks of technology is dual-use capability. It is for this reason that we are softened up with all of the benefits, before being introduced to the darker side. Technology has always been a double-edged sword, but we are witnessing a closure in the gap between good and bad as technology is now advancing at a much higher rate of speed in tandem with a growing global police state.
I remember seeing a story a while back about a microwave device that could see through rubble to detect the beating heart of people trapped under a collapsed building. I immediately thought, wow that’s a good thing … ohhhh, wait a minute. Seeing through rubble; isn’t that the same as seeing through walls?
And here comes the dark side.
A little more than a year ago, the first enhancement of Wi-Fi was labeled WiTrack. It marked an improvement over a discovery by MIT researchers a few months previous that they had called Wi-Vi. At the time, researchers were able to use dual signals to detect the general location of moving objects behind walls, but not an exact image.
WiTrack uses radio signals to pinpoint a person’s location more accurately. An MIT press release explained the significant difference between Wi-Vi and WiTrack:
WiTrack operates by tracking specialized radio signals reflected off a person’s body to pinpoint location and movement. The system uses multiple antennas: one for transmitting signals and three for receiving. The system then builds a geometric model of the user’s location by transmitting signals between the antennas and using the reflections off a person’s body to estimate the distance between the antennas and the user. WiTrack is able to locate motion with significantly increased accuracy, as opposed to tracking devices that rely on wireless signals, according to Adib.
“Because of the limited bandwidth, you cannot get very high location accuracy using WiFi signals,” Adib says. “WiTrack transmits a very low-power radio signal, 100 times smaller than WiFi and 1,000 times smaller than what your cell phone can transmit. But the signal is structured in a particular way to measure the time from when the signal was transmitted until the reflections come back. WiTrack has a geometric model that maps reflection delays to the exact location of the person. The model can also eliminate reflections off walls and furniture to allow us to focus on tracking human motion.”
As if on cue, we are presented with the enormous benefits of this low-cost technology, while being given none of the potential negatives. In the video, we see the convenience element that would fit into the various applications of smart homes and the Internet of Things. Secondly, are video games, which would take the somewhat cumbersome Wii to entirely new levels. And leave it to MIT to pimp the two most military-oriented games on the market that would benefit:
Imagine playing a video game like Call of Duty or Battlefield and having the ability to lead your virtual army unit while moving freely throughout your house.
Yes, imagine further acclimating America’s youth to become even more involved in the realism that has become violent gaming based on military campaigns.But for the real sales pitch, we have to look at disaster relief and personal safety, which is precisely what the rollout of the microwave device cited above set out to highlight.
Here is what was said about Wi-Vi:
Researchers think the Wi-Vi system could also be used to find survivors in destroyed buildings or count and track criminals. Compared to previous military-oriented tracking systems, Wi-Vi is cheap, compact and lightweight, which makes it practical for consumer uses such as personal safety. Researchers now hope to improve the technology so it can work with denser walls over longer ranges. (emphasis added)
Well, 1 1/2 years later MIT is now announcing that they have “perfected” a system which can track multiple people through walls, as well as breathing and heart rate, to 99% accuracy.
This new system is being called WiZ,
Researchers at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratorytransmitted a low-power wireless signal through a wall and measured how long it took the signals to bounce back. Changes in the reflected signals allowed the team to measure movement, or even minute chest movements.
Based on a person’s chest rising and falling, the CSAIL group can determine their heart rate with 99 percent accuracy. The system can track up to four people at a time.
The first application touted, naturally, is to monitor your baby’s vital signs:
In the following video we begin to see how easily this stealth monitoring system could be set up for surveillance:
Extreme Tech, while being “truly excited” about these developments, correctly summarizes where all of this is headed.
Perhaps most significantly, though, with the world moving towards wearable computers and ubiquitous sensor networks, WiZ could play a role in tracking your movement and vital signs without having to wear a Fitbit or smartwatch. It’s quite easy to imagine a wide-scale radio-based sensor network that tracks the movements of everyone through a given area — and then using some kind of beacon system (say, if your smartphone broadcast your identity) that sensor data could be correlated to each person. It would be equal parts great news for people wanting to keep track of their health and activity levels, and modern-day governments that just love to surveil their populace.
The electronic tracking and Internet surveillance that we all have been enduring at the hands of the NSA and their corporate partners pales in comparison to the real-world, real-time tracking that seems to be on the horizon beyond the virtual matrix.
As tech site GIGAOM opined with tongue in cheek to introduce one of their articles on the topic: This technology will “ruin hide and seek forever.”
- (why is NSA in the URL?)
Recently by Kevin Samson:
- BabySafe Project Launched to Inform Pregnant Women About Dangers of Wireless Radiation
- Top Biochemist Calls to Abolish Smart Meters, WiFi in Schools, and Baby Monitors
- Primer: What is the Smart Grid?
Updated: 6/14/2014
Good article about tech excepting it’s final words,tech folks will find a way to beat this system also.Of course there are also microwave weapons ect. that can fry local tech,guess made big enuff fry all tech.Tech has I believe opened the eyes of millions around the world to what evils govt.s are up to.The horse has left the barn,up to people to use tech to their advantage or fall prey to it without resistance.
Hmmm… I wonder how much money MIT gets from the Pentagon.
About ten years ago Johns Hopkins was getting 385 million per year from the military, and not surprisingly, all of their highly-educated whiz kids were sure that a jet fuel fire could melt structural steel.
Don’t rely on anything that comes from “academia”, because they’re all working for the government, and will say whatever is necessary to keep the federal dollars rolling into their Alma Mater.
Their college degrees mean nothing if not accompanied by credibility. All you get from the college crowd is more sophisticated lies. Do your own scientific research. Everything you need to know can be found in the library, and it’s good practice to do a little studying now and then.