MSNBC Host Eric Dyson says Obama and Holder would be “Great Choices” for the Supreme Court

Last Resistance – by Onan Coca

Guest host on MSNBC’s the Ed Show, Michael Eric Dyson, took time to tell his audience that President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder would be perfect for the Supreme Court.


I just threw up a little in my mouth.

“But both of them would be great choices.”


8 thoughts on “MSNBC Host Eric Dyson says Obama and Holder would be “Great Choices” for the Supreme Court

  1. Just Michael Eric Dyson being on the lame stream media shows he is paid for. Remember when this guy was an activist for the cause? Now he flaps his head for tyranny.

  2. This SOB is has smoked way too much crack. As if we can descend any deeper into an all out oppressive regime. Of all countries in the world the one that has all the reasons for regime change is this one. WOW. Supreme court? They aren’t Jewish enough to occupy a position like that.

  3. I wonder how much he got paid for that or if he betrayed his country in order to get promoted up the corporate ladder? Pathetic.

  4. The day the “boy” and his friend sit on the bench will
    be the day communists blood runs deep in the streets.

  5. Good idea, both are supremely qualified to stand before the courts to receive their corporal punishment. I hope they get everything they deserve.

    As for Michael Eric Dyson, idiots like this is the reason we don’t pay any attention to main stream media.

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