“My mother told me, when faced with difficult problems, the first thing to do is to read—read, read, read. Then, the next part is easy: do the right thing!” The great @rogerwaters on the basics of understanding and fighting for Palestinian liberation.

2 thoughts on ““My mother told me, when faced with difficult problems, the first thing to do is to read—read, read, read. Then, the next part is easy: do the right thing!” The great @rogerwaters on the basics of understanding and fighting for Palestinian liberation.

  1. Oh Roger, Roger, Roger. Here (link below) he brings in the good and not-so-good. Says he “admires” both the Jewish people and the Jewish religion “which is a humane religion.” Hmm… Tales of the Talmud are coming to mind. He thinks it’s “the Americans” who are stealing everything from the rest of the world. Guess he’s never seen our tent cities. and he just might want to think a bit more about that religion he so “admires.” Says we have to keep going to the streets and love will win. Yeah sure, protests will take care of it. NOT!!! And Roger, did ya know love sometimes carries a sword? Well rightly, he’s pissed at Bono. I enjoyed that. So Roger, I’m inviting you to the table. How about we talk 1775? Pull up a chair.

    Just a few highlights. Here’s full interview:



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