Netanyahu urges Jews to move to Israel after Copenhagen attacks

Yahoo News

Jerusalem (AFP) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday urged European Jews to move to Israel after a Jewish man was killed in an attack outside Copenhagen’s main synagogue.

“Israel is your home. We are preparing and calling for the absorption of mass immigration from Europe,” Netanyahu said in a statement, repeating a similar call after attacks by jihadists in Paris last month when four Jews were among the dead.  

Two police officers were also wounded in Sunday’s attack in Copenhagen, one of two fatal shootings in the normally peaceful Danish capital on the weekend.

In the first attack on Saturday, a 55-year-old man was killed at a panel discussion about Islam and free speech attended by a Swedish cartoonist behind controversial caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

“Extremist Islamic terrorism has struck Europe again… Jews have been murdered again on European soil only because they were Jews,” Netanyahu said in the statement.

The Israeli prime minister said his government was to adopt a $45 million (39.5 million euro) plan “to encourage the absorption of immigrants from France, Belgium and Ukraine”.

“To the Jews of Europe and to the Jews of the world I say that Israel is waiting for you with open arms,” Netanyahu said.

He had made a similar call after three days of bloodshed in Paris that started with the January 7 attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo where 12 people were gunned down, followed the next day by the shooting death of a policewoman just outside the city.

On January 9, the gunman who killed the policewoman took hostages at a kosher supermarket in Paris. He killed four Jewish hostages before police shot him dead when they raided the store.

The bodies of the four were later flown to Israel where they were buried.

Officials in Copenhagen described the weekend attacks as an act of terror and said the man believed to be behind the shootings was shot dead after opening fire on police at a rail station.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman sent condolences to Danish counterpart Martin Lidegaard over the attacks, telling him Israel “appreciates Denmark’s cooperation in maintaining the security of Israelis and Jews in Denmark.”

The foreign ministry quoted Lieberman as telling Lidegaard that Israel was “ready for any cooperation required on this issue”.

The Palestinians also condemned the attack “in the strongest terms,” with PLO official Saeb Erakat calling the Copenhagen attacks “absolutely unjustifiable.”

“Terrorism knows no religion or nationality, and our opposition to such violence must be firmly united. We stand in solidarity with the Danish people,” Erakat said in a statement.


7 thoughts on “Netanyahu urges Jews to move to Israel after Copenhagen attacks

  1. “Extremist Islamic terrorism has struck Europe again… Jews have been murdered again on European soil only because they were Jews,” Netanyahu said in the statement.”

    If the rest of the world found out who and what the stinking jews really are, they’d ALL be dead GLOBALLY within a week.

      1. Yeah, been slackin’ lately. Lots of time on my hands to post today & tomorrow.

        For some strange reason… 🙄 😆

  2. Great plan , get all these parasites in one location , then we will release our aggressive form of tay-sach s . Problem , Partially solved !!!

  3. This is eerily similar to Charlie Hedbo:

    1. Shooting by “muslims” to do with a drawing.

    2. Secondary shooting at a Jewish entity (kosher deli or synagogue)

    3. Netanyahu publicly urges Jews from country of false flag to move to Israel.


    The irony is lost on the victims: it’s Mossad killing Jews for the overall plan of creating anti-semitism and urging Jews to move to Israel.

  4. One would think my fellow humans could at least come up with a gods-snot different storyline…geesh…hire someone in Hollywood to write a new frickin script! No one I know (and I know a wide variety of people) is buying these lies anymore. It’s not just me! Yah!

  5. I suspect rats leaving a sinking ship that they made to sink.
    If they leave, look for EU to break up and descend into infighting and/or open war. If they don’t leave look for worse false flags to happen.

    This is what the khazar ‘jews’ want and said they’d do to europe since the turn of last century. Flood europe with blacks and asians and the ‘jews’ would rule the divided masses.


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