7 thoughts on “Woman In Minivan Stops High Speed Chase in Dallas

  1. Kind of like were I live but less help stopping him.. You did notice after the citizens got a hold of him. He acted glad for the police help? Difference were I live the police would have parked a block away and slow walked up to help him. Waited for them to get a sewer grate open and drop him in here is common to happen while they wait for the police to come. But we only have 1/3 the police here as in America. More citizen law. But the police are polite here. And try not to make the citizen mad at them. So I am sure they would have waited a little longer to help him.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA!!! I love it. The people are doing the job of the police. Awesome. This is what America is all about. Doing the right thing, standing up for yourselves and not being chickenshit about it.

    Actually this is not too far from where I live, but I haven’t heard anything about it all day. Of course, I try not to listen to the MSM news, so that’s probably why.

    I just have to say that if that were the Round Rock police, they would have told the two people, who took down the criminal, to get on the ground and then they would have tased them. I’m surprised the cops didn’t arrest these two people for interfering with a police investigation or obstruction of justice or something. They got lucky because you know the psycho cops have to be the ones getting all of the credit for the arrest and takedowns. Anything else would be disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

    In any case, these are the people that I want on my side in this fight against the foreign insurgents occupying DC.

    Bravo to them!

  3. Did anyone notice the little kid “taking a dive?” He was a passenger in the rear of the SUV containing the 2 people who collared the perp. He walks to the curb, then lies down in fake agony!

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