New York Governor Kathy Hochul on the forecast predicting 90°F weather in NY: “Temperatures at levels not seen in our lifetimes… a significant health event”

5 thoughts on “New York Governor Kathy Hochul on the forecast predicting 90°F weather in NY: “Temperatures at levels not seen in our lifetimes… a significant health event”


    90 degree temperatures never seen before in NY?

    Are you f#$king kidding me? This woman is like the Pelosi of NY. Does Hochul even live in NY?

    Growing up in Buffalo, NY, the summers were always 90 degrees with humidity from Lake Erie making it feel like 100 degrees and NYC was always at least 10 to 20 degrees higher due to the ocean and overcrowded people and buildings. It was so hot that it was a well known fact that people would be stealing A/C units out of windows of apartment buildings in broad daylight.

    So I sure as sh*t don’t know what she’s been drinking.

  2. This is all part of a worldwide ramping up of scaremongering tactics being used in meteorology as part of their future plans for harsh tyrannical “climate change” rules & lockdowns. Take a look at any mainstream weather website now & just look at all the scary words being used to describe weather & warnings in red & orange bold fonts. They combine that with overuse of the word “safe” as in “keep safe”, “stay safe”, etc, etc. The weather is just the same old weather we’ve had for all time (apart from the odd enhanced “rare event” show-pieces using steered fronts, etc they manipulate with technology!).

  3. There was a story the other day about “record setting heat wave sweeps England.” The high for the day was 79 degrees F, hardly an “unprecedented heat wave”.

  4. Spent the first 20 plus years on Long Island and NYC…. I’ll never forget the time family and others went to Jones Beach since temps were over 100 degrees…

    Does anyone in NY state actually believe this “climate change” garbage? Double Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

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