Nicki Minaj told she “should be ashamed” by Chris Whitty over vaccine impotence tweet

NME – by Damian Jones

Nicki Minaj has been criticised by the UK’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty after she tweeted that COVID vaccines are linked to impotence.

It comes after the rapper claimed a cousin of hers in Trinidad refused to get the jab because “his friend got it [and] became impotent” and “his testicles became swollen”

“His friend was weeks away from getting married, now the girl called off the wedding,” she claimed, urging her followers to “just pray on it” and “make sure you’re comfortable with [your] decision [to get vaccinated], not bullied”.

According to the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is currently no evidence showing that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause problems with fertility in women or men.

When questioned about the claim at today’s (September 14) Downing Street press conference, Whitty said Minaj “should be ashamed”.

“There are a number of myths that fly around, some of which are just clearly ridiculous and some of which are clearly designed just to scare. That happens to be one of them,” he said.

He also went on to say there are “people that go around trying to discourage other people from taking a vaccine which could be life-saving or prevent them from having life-changing injuries to themselves”.

“Many of those people I regret to say will know they are pedalling untruths but they still do it,” he added. “In my view, they should be ashamed.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson then said: “I am not as familiar with the works of Nicki Minaj as I probably should be. But I am familiar with Nikki Kanani, a superstar GP of Bexley who has appeared many times before you, who will tell you vaccines are wonderful and everybody should get them. That’s why I prefer to listen to Nikki Kanani.”

This prompted an immediate response from Minaj, who joked: “Omfg. My #cousin who has #TheFriend just texted me telling me to call him. *Bites Nails* Ugh! You idiots!!! If he saw this on the news it’s all your fault!!! It was supposed to be a secret Zipper-mouth faceWoozy faceTired face. If either of them ask, u ain’t heard it from me. Okay? *stares @ text.”

In response to Johnson’s response, she also added: “I love him even tho I guess this was a diss? The accent ugh! Yassss boo!!!”

The rapper then followed up with a separate tweet containing a jovial message and the caption: “Send this to the prime minister & let him know they lied on me. I forgive him. No one else. Only him.”


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