Oak. Co, MI Sheriff warns “TRANSNATIONAL GANGS” from Chile, Columbia,Peru, Bolivia, Nicaragua,Guatemala, Honduras & Venezuela who’ve entered US through southern border are breaking into homes in wealthy neighborhoods.

2 thoughts on “Oak. Co, MI Sheriff warns “TRANSNATIONAL GANGS” from Chile, Columbia,Peru, Bolivia, Nicaragua,Guatemala, Honduras & Venezuela who’ve entered US through southern border are breaking into homes in wealthy neighborhoods.

  1. “Transnational Gangs,” eh? Made me do a comparison between the words transnational and international:

    Transnational: extending or operating across national boundaries
    International: existing, occurring, or carried on between two or more nations

    So can I assume “Transnational Gangs” means GLOBAL CRIME SYNDICATE? I think I can. This is communism’s naughty, little younger brother, a necessary component to carrying out the dirty work. I say that just about NONE of these crimes are organic; that is to say, born of genuine poverty and injustice, but rather fueled by those ever waiting in the wings to take full control of all aspects of our lives.

    But there are other “GANGS,” gangs focused on living free and without the horrid infringement of crime-run-rampant. Most of these types are always after the head of the snake.


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