Obama DEMANDS: Don’t You DARE Vote For Trump, ‘It Would Be A Personal Insult To My Legacy’

Supreme Patriot

The “personal insult” should really be from those critical thinking hard-working African-Americans who believed in this man, only to be disappointed and betrayed for the last 8-years, and by his delusional attempt to somehow link his dismal performance as president, with the current plight taking place within the inner cities of America, including the daily carnage in Obama’s hometown of Chicago.

Moreover, one can only be amazed at the sheer audacity of Obama’s unbridled ego, in his delusional attempt to link his own lackluster legacy with that of perhaps the most corrupt politician within modern American history.  

This fairytale of Obama’s accomplishments was once again performed Saturday night at the 46th Annual Legislative Conference Phoenix Awards Dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus.

In which the President told those in attendance that he would consider it a “personal insult” to his legacy if those who supported him, did not support Clinton.

No doubt Obama feels that an average 1 ½% GDP growth rate and a growing welfare economy within the African-American community, and over 50% unemployment rate among African-American youths is a legacy to be proud of, which once again should be a “personal insult” to every hard-working, law-abiding individual regardless of skin pigmentation.

Supreme Patriot

7 thoughts on “Obama DEMANDS: Don’t You DARE Vote For Trump, ‘It Would Be A Personal Insult To My Legacy’

  1. IF I were voting

    big IF

    His comment would definitely make me vote for Trump

    the guy thats scaring the established politicians is who I’d want

    but alas , I am not a Traitor to my country, or my fellow man so they can all KMA

  2. WHUT????????????/ NO BODY HAS KILLED THIS NIGGER YET?????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

  3. I posted this because Obama said “We have the lowest voting rates among free people.”
    So it sounds like alot of folks are not falling for the B.S.

  4. That is like a shit stain demanding not to be washed…

    Personal Legacy. If that came out of his mouth, it is a lie.

  5. These elitist bastards and their puppets are doing all they can to get votes for Hitlery and make her win because they know absolutely NO ONE wants her. They literally have to bribe people to vote for her. It’s pathetic. Even half of the illegals that they bring in from the border don’t want her. It’s completely backfired on them.

    By the way, I thought Barry hated Hitlery with a passion and vice versa. Funny how when it comes to their party ideals and elitist ideals, they all ban together to save each other’s asses.

    By the way, is anyone in this country actually even voting in this election? After all, it’s a fraud and would be considered treason if you did.

  6. “Moreover, one can only be amazed at the sheer audacity of Obama’s unbridled ego,…”

    It’s not ego… it’s CHUTZPAH.

    Gets it from his jew masters, no doubt.

    “… to link his own lackluster legacy with that of perhaps the most corrupt politician within modern American history.”

    Lackluster? Try COMMUNIST!

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