Obama’s Last National Security Speech…World’s No. 1 Terrorist Talking Terror

Published on Dec 7, 2016 by Peekay Truth

President Barry Soetoro delivered his last major national security speech as president on Tuesday 6th December in front of an audience of brain dead Military in Tampa.
The same old drivel honouring the Armed Services for doing the dirty work for TPTB.
I picked out a few points of note. Will there be a major false flag to keep this buffoon in office? Will he declare Martial Law and create the Police State they so want? Time will tell.

Watch complete speech here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHzwh…

One thought on “Obama’s Last National Security Speech…World’s No. 1 Terrorist Talking Terror

  1. I know ‘know thy enemy’, but I get physically ill when he, Hillary, Bush, Cheney, Comey, etc., open their pie holes.

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