On the Dirty Church

From the time of the writing of the New Testament, up to this very day, there has been a particular devil roaming the land, calling himself “Jesus”. This work is about that lying rascal and his attempts to infiltrate, tear down, and destroy God’s holy church, as well as to interfere with the work of his people. I have a deep suspicion that this particular spirit was even among the children of Israel in the days of Moses.

The evidence of this spirit in a man can most likely be recognized in a “Christian” that has no loyalty to the word of God or as this world would call “the Bible”. This “Jesus” esteems obedience to the word of God as a “little thing“, counting on salvation instead through “emotions”. His people reject the works of God while all the time parroting that “works won’t save you”. From here on out I will refer to the false Jesus’ people as the “Dirty Church” because it is mostly them who remain untouched by the Lord’s waters of salvation and his mercy and grace.  

Jesus the righteous came to make men free, not to “set” men free, for if God “makes you free” then you are free without restraint. To be made free does not mean to use your liberty as a cloak of maliciousness. It simply means that you are free to fulfill the righteousness of God without the guilt of petty sins standing in your way. For when your own mind says, “I am not good enough” and condemns you, God is greater than your condemnation of your self. This is clearly taught in the subject of the priesthood of Jesus Christ.

The fake Jesus tells you that you have to somehow juggle a list of righteous “works” in order to attain favor with God and that favor is rewarded with material possessions, good health, great relationships, and a euphoric sense of well being. This fake Jesus resides in a tribune amalgamation of three gods that are three persons, one not being the other, however all being the same. The fake Jesus calls this a “mystery and a trinity” instead of calling it what it is, which is a downright lie.

The fake Jesus also calls himself “the son of God” but never explains who his father is. This “son of God” is looked upon nowadays in the light of 20th century lies. Men have forgotten how things were in the olden days when the first born of a family received the entire inheritance. The real Jesus received the inheritance, authority, and name of his father. The fake Jesus sits in a chair at the feet of an unknown god, taking direction from man’s “feelings”.

The Dirty Church that follows the unrighteous Jesus esteem themselves better than poor men who have obviously not received “the blessings of God” while at the same time band together to create more legal precedence to bilk more money out of the “unblessed”. They love to compare their Jesus to Buddha or Mohamed or any other esteemed name among men. They enjoy their Masonic temples and their other special brotherhoods while giving a pittance to the poor so that they might appear righteous. They chase after the anti-Christ because his god is mammon, hoping that the blessing of the anti-Christ will somehow rub off on them. These are they which stand up for such things as the Bill of Rights as long as these same rights are withheld to that “lower” class of people. The Dirty Church is not one specific denomination, nor is it gentile or jew. Her different congregations place different gods above the true Jesus. Because of all these different gods, one of our most esteemed brethren has named her the “whore of Babylon”

Any form of collectivism outside of the church of Jesus Christ is traitorous to our way of life. A man’s individual rights are more important than any collective. This is even reflected in the sayings of Jesus Christ…namely, to love your neighbor as you love yourself and also do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I am not willing to give up a single natural right for some perceived good for a collective. The reason for the death, burial and resurrection … which is the “gospel”of Jesus Christ was to make men free. We should take advantage at every possibility to extend freedom toward our fellow man as well as lessons in personal responsibility.

43 thoughts on “On the Dirty Church

  1. Wow….I guess I’ll start it off.
    I don’t believe in religion as most of you know by now.
    But I do believe in God the creator.
    I am not evil in heart and I ask the creator for wisdom and patience and loving kindness.
    There were so many writings in the Bible that were lost in translation.
    Are there good things in the bible.
    Are there bad things in the bible that are bad.
    I have no religion.
    But I do have a direct connection to the creator.
    To me that is all I need.
    Do I hate Christians. ..
    Do I hate Christianity that professed love and will kill you.
    Was there a man that God the creator manifested itself in human flesh.
    Yes there were many.
    Just like yourself.
    But I will not let any religion put a spiritual construct upon my mind.
    The Christ conscience I believe in is the story of the Christ that went into the temple and whipped the money changers assez.
    Broke a few chairs and tables over their heads like a wild west movie saloon brawl.
    I am a spiritualist.
    I cry out to God the creator when I need divine intervention.
    Not …Krishna.
    Not … Mohammed.
    Not… Jesus.

    1. flee, you believe IN God the creator, do you believe God THE creator?

      “God sent Christ into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved”.
      “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

      Christ is the only MAN who has been raised from the dead. (out from among the dead people)
      According to God the creator, Christ is the only way to salvation. Romans 10:9,10, Acts 2:38

      Direct connection to God is dependent upon having HOLY Spirit. God who is Spirit can only communicate with that which He is. God communicating with a natural man, a man of body and soul(soul, NOT spirit) would be phenomenon.

      “Was there a man that God the creator manifested itself in human flesh.
      Yes there were many.”
      Christ is THE man where by men(mankind) are made righteous, made sons of God, have the hope of Christ’s return, etc, etc, etc.

      What is a spiritualist?

    2. Flee:
      You believe in God our Father, you believe in Jesus Christ, you hate the Pharisees, hypocrites and whores…but, do you believe in the finished work of God in Jesus Christ…the redemption (the price HE paid for us) and power given you to overcome Satan and sin because the Holy Ghost resides in you to witnesses to the Truth. If so, you are a Christian who hates liars and deceivers just as Christ did. He was the firstborn, new body. We become part of his body, his work. This is God’s rest or Sabbath.

      If you have the Holy Ghost you can decipher the scriptures. Just as there are bad translations of the New Testament there were scoundrels that twisted the Old Testament. The evidence is the Levitical Priests who became the Sanhedrin, the Pharisees out of Babylon. It is the Holy Ghost which leads us and teaches us as we grow…There was warfare between the true prophets of God and the Pharisees in the Old Testament and the twisting of scripture can easily be seen when you compare it with the true writings of the prophets which warned those pharisees ‘that they bind burdens on men and would not lift a finger to help the people they put into bondage’, that Law Bondage (613 Laws) in order to manipulate, control and maintain their power and position, ‘ that God hated their sacrifices and never commanded any such thing’. The truth is in the bible but we have to have discernment. Without God’s spirit helping us we are a sad lot indeed!

      Again, do we recognize the who Jesus Christ truly is, the human and the divine? Recognize what Thomas said after the resurrection of Jesus, on the eighth day… Joh 20:26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Joh 20:27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. Joh 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Joh 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
      MY LORD AND MY GOD! Do we truly comprehend who the Son of God is?

  2. “This fake Jesus resides in a tribune amalgamation of three gods that are three persons, one not being the other, however all being the same. The fake Jesus calls this a “mystery and a trinity” instead of calling it what it is, which is a downright lie.”

    Absolutely correct, “a downright lie.”

    Our Father God commands, “Thous shalt have no other God’s beside me,” this includes worshiping Jesus, God’s only begotten SON as God.

    It’s no wonder we’re in this mess with the Church.( The Church of J.C., he being the head, and each member in particular making up the body)

    A huge % of Christians are idolaters worshiping Jesus, even in the face and declaration of Christs own testimony of who he himself is and who God is ex., He prays unto his FATHER( not himself)!

    These people are blinded by that spirit of jesus and will swear up and down that Jesus is God, even to the point of calling one a heathen and hell bound. They REFUSE to be honest with God’s own declaration of who the Christ is.

    Anyway, they won’t get the most basic fundamentals of God’s word correct so how would they ever realize the situation concerning Israel?(this wasn’t part of your article, although it’s worth mentioning)

    Bottom line, they have not rightly divided the word of truth, therefor they do not stand approved before God in this category.(Not my words, His)

    People, if we allow God’s word to be twisted by cunning individuals, to the end that it no longer says what it means and means what it says, we no longer have the truth of the word, and therefor can’t believe rightly.

    By the grace of God I go.

  3. Rubish absolute rubish, The earth is satans playground. Be not of this world. Have a beer and relax.I am beginning to think this planet is not worth saving, let lucifer have it, we would probably be alot happier.

      1. Henry’s house! Sorry, just being sarcastic. My point is this, it is to far gone, The Pacific ocean is dying, the Gulf of Mexico is ruined this enemy force and occupation has shredded any chance of justice. We have been devided and soon to be conquered. I am not trying be a defeatist but i do not see American Nationals banding together in a timely manner to put an end to it.Fight the good fight when you can and enjoy these last days with loved ones.Katie, do we idolize America to the point that we put our country above God? And if so, and this is satans sandbox, are we not playing into lucifers hands? So many questions. Balancing my faith with the love of my country is a daunting task. If i were an Atheist it would make the choice alot easier. Never surrender but do not become what you loathe.

        1. First man walked and there was no end to the Earth. Then men rode horses and the Earth got smaller but was still endless. Then there was the train, people clutching their hands on the rails as the machine surged to 45 mph and the Earth started getting smaller. Now we have the Concord jet coming in at 1,354 mph. We are fed projections at the speed of light with the intent of someone here in Oregon being shocked by something that happened in f@#king Belgium.
          These assholes want us to think that the Earth is little so they can be everywhere upon it at once, always with an eye on us. It is an illusion. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. The Earth is endless. It is so huge that the entire population of the planet will fit in Texas. Man has not been kind to our host that gives us life. But as ugly evil and disgusting as we have become, we are but a malady, a sickness, in the grand scheme of things.
          Do not believe that it just ain’t worth it because that is what they want you to believe as they are giving one another high fives and saying, oh yeah, it’s worth it.
          You don’t have to surrender your religion to stand for your country. The people’s Bill of Rights is the law of the land and to enforce and live in peace with it is in perfect harmony with true Christianity, which is not so much about knowledge of a book, but rather the content of the soul.

        2. “Katie, do we idolize America to the point that we put our country above God?”

          I don’t idolize our country, but I do hold precious our law( B of R’s).

          “Fret not yourself because of evil doers,” is a verse I remind myself of often, other wise I get to frettin.

          Comes down to each individual standing upon their convictions regardless of how many are “awake.” One man can make a great difference.

          I will NOT be a” sheep for the slaughter,” but the conqueror I was made to be “through him that loved me.”

          Did you ask Laura if their house would be ok?

          1. No i didn’t ask Laura because i was being sarcastic.
            Lavoy Finicum tried to make a difference and he’s dead. Sorry Katie but this country is CTD. The Oregon refuge standoff showed me that even the patriot movement is divided.Short of Devine intervention,i do not see a successful outcome for Americans.

          2. Wade,
            You are talking defeatism and you are not going to do it here. If you think your ass is whipped, go into the fetal position and wait for your God to deliver you, but don’t try to drag me down into apathy with you.
            What happened at Burns happened because they tried to tap into a movement that they are no part of, expecting people to follow them backwards into stupidity, because 500 nameless, faceless men with guns and balls gave them notoriety at Bunkerville.
            You people who just can’t find yourself need to just get out of the way. I was doing this long before you even knew the problem existed, yet like the Bundys, you think you can step in and declare defeat before the fight even begins.
            There were people like you back in 1775 too, saying there is no way a bunch of rabble can defeat the British Empire, but that rabble American nationals, did indeed accomplish that feat and they didn’t do it with a can’t do attitude.
            I know you want these religious leaders to shepherd the cause, but it is this ilk that has led us into this situation.
            You ever find your own personal strength, courage, and confidence, let me know, until then stop trying to rob these qualities from others.

          3. If I may.
            We all go through the feeling that there is no hope for our country at times. Sometimes the shit they put on us makes me feel that there is no reason to try. Then I snap out of it and come back to the truth. We can and will defeat this evil that is stealing our rights and our lives.

            When a fellow Trencher gets down, we need to snap them back to reality and show them the light at the end of the tunnel.
            Wade, it is always darkest before the dawn. We can and WILL defeat the NWO, et al. You will be right there with the rest of the Patriots when that happens. Until then, stick to your guns! We need everyone in this fight.

    1. Thank you Bulldog, i think you know where i am right now. Henry, apathy my asp, i have lost so many friends trying to wake them up! What i have a problem with is people bashing Catholics and Christianity when we should be looking to Christ for guidance and not condeming his teachings or the Churches that praise his word. Henry I, like you have given up half my life warning people of this cabal, you do know the inner workings of the law more than most and i have learned alot. But at what point do you give up your life for
      a country that never gave a damn about us? I will never surender i just want to know is this turmoil worth it?

  4. flee, if you say you believe in God but not His word, and rely solely on your intuition to determine what is “good” and “bad” in His word, how do you avoid the accusation that this is pure subjectivism? or respond to competing views such as your own?

  5. 1Ti_3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
    “manifest in the flesh”……….. mmmmmmmmmmm……………… so the son has no authority right?

  6. All I will say is this from 1 John 2:23–He who hath not the Son hath not the Father, but he who hath the Son hath the Father also.

    Everyone here knows my stance on Christ. Make of the above Bible verse what you will.

  7. I never meant to start a theological conversation to the point of proetyzing the Trenchers. I love each and every one of you. I wrote the piece so that you might be aware that false Christianity has caused more to damage the rightsof the men in this country than the jews themselves.

    I have been called into question about my belief concerning the “Trinity” so here you go:
    The New Testament is now being read and taught as an abstract document which saves no one and condemns man to a life of serving Judaism and the lusts of his own flesh. You cannot believe what you refused to take literally or to understand. You condemn yourself to eternal damnation if you do not believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. You cannot believe what you either refuse to read or relegate that which you read in the same place in your mind as one of Picasso’s junk works of art.

    Rom 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
    Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

    If you notice here, Paul did not say to mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to whatever church you were attending, but divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine that ye have learned which was supposed to have been, and is written in plain speech, in the Authorized King James Bible. It is obvious that we are at war and the spiritual war is bleeding over into this world and will once again come to blood.

    I was taught that the Bible was the highest authority on the earth and yet I see it’s truths rejected every single day by men who I had once called “brother”. So let’s get to the crux of the matter:


    This one question is the one most pitifully answered over the past 2000+ years. I have never heard the true answer except out of the mouth of the Lord and his apostles, and occasionally an actual brother. The answer to this question means the difference between your salvation and your condemnation.

    2Th 1:7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
    2Th 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that KNOW NOT GOD, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:(caps mine)

    The jews knew that Jesus, saying he was the son of God, made himself equal with God. (John 5:18) So we find here that Jesus is equal to the holy spirit which is his father. (Mat 1:18) By his own command, God cannot be three people. It is against the law of God for God to be three people. Much less against the law of nature, Jesus proved this by his casting devils out of men.

    Mar 12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

    Since this is a commandment, any doctrine concerning the personage of God must fall under this command. The above command is not a suggestion, nor is it an implication. It is what it says it is: a command. Any doctrine that disagrees with this command is a lie from hell. It is simple to ascertain from this one sentence command that the Lord is God and he is one. If you can manage to get three gods that are different people out of this saying then you are a child of Satan himself and should be treated as such. Furthermore, the apostle John, very much so, proved through the holy spirit, who the father of Jesus Christ really is:

    Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    John in this statement says that in the beginning the Word was God. If the Word was God in the beginning then who is God now?

    Even the apostle Paul realized by the holy spirit that the creator of all things is the word of God:

    Heb 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

    Jesus said truly that God is a spirit. It should be obvious by now that God is the spirit of the word. (John 4:24)

    1Jn 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    What John is telling you here is one of the most profound sayings in the gospel. That the word himself is actually the Spirit. Jesus himself bore this out when he said, “my words are spirit and they are life.” (John 6:63)

    WHO’S WORDS????

    So let’s quickly see what the apostles had to say about our high priest and author and finisher of our faith.

    Heb 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
    Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
    Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
    Heb 1:4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
    Heb 1:5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?
    Heb 1:6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.
    Heb 1:7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.
    Heb 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
    Heb 1:9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
    Heb 1:10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:
    Heb 1:11 They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment;
    Heb 1:12 And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.
    Heb 1:13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?
    Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

    And also, do you remember a few paragraphs back, the first commandment of God? That the Lord is God and he is one?

    1Co 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

    If then, according to the first commandment, the Lord is God and Jesus is the Lord, then who is God? In fact who are these other gods, that the catholic church, the jews, the mormons, and the methodists, among others speak of in their blasphemous doctrine of the trinity? Do you realize that if God is three people or persons, and he sent his son into the world to die on the cross, then God is responsible for the death of an innocent man that had no sin? Is Jesus not called the word of God? (Rev 19:13) Did he not say that “I and my father are one?” (John 10:30) Was the Lord just speaking to hear his own head roar? Or is man so far gone with wicked black hearts, that he cares not for the simplicity that is the word of God?


    According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1991 under the heading “Yahweh”, here is how this name came into being:

    “The Masoretes, who from about the 6th to the 10th century worked to reproduce the original text of the Hebrew Bible, replaced the vowels of the name YHWH with the vowel signs of the Hebrew word Adonai or Elohim. Thus the artificial name Jehovah (YeHoWaH) came into being.”

    So we see here one of many confirmations that the name Jehovah is not really His name at all. But it is an artificial name that was invented by the jews. Does man have the right to change the name of the one who created him? That is exactly what has happened here. THE NEW TESTAMENT BEARS THIS OUT….

    Heb 8:7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.
    Heb 8:8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:


    Heb 1:4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he (JESUS) hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

    Since Jesus is an inherited name, then it was the name of God from the beginning.

    Mark & Jill

    1. first off you claim the “authorized king james version” what does authorized king james version mean? simply that it is a government approved version! the king james was first printed in 1611, then over 100 years later another king james approved “authorized” another version. which is the one you mention in your post. it is missing 4 whole books that the origional king james version and every version previous to it contained!! the king approved the removal of 4 whole books from the bible! plus alot of other verses are either missing from individual books or whole chapters are missing.
      in the Gospel’s it states that on the Sabbath JESUS walked into the temple and opened the BOOK to where it said and then quotes JESUS reading from the book of ISAIAH. but if you look in the authorized king james version , the quote in new testement is not what the words are in ISAIAH, it cant even get the quote correct in the very same version!!! What it does correctly quote is the Septuigent version, which is a direct quote for JESUS’s words in the Gospel. the septuigent is the old testement scriptures that were translated from hebrew and aramaic into greek 200 years before JESUS CHRIST, which was the language of the time as hebrew and aramaic were dead languages.
      as for the name of GOD, please read EXODUS chapter 3, verses 13, and 14. Moses says to GOD , what am i to say your name is when they ask me “what is HIS name”? and GOD replies “I AM”.
      GOD plainly states in the second book of the Bible what HIS name is!!
      please refer to REVELATION 22:18,19 and read in what ever version you wish to read from, they all say that if you add words to or remove words from “this book” will have his name taken from the “Book of Life”, etc,etc,etc…
      so we have GOD telling Moses what HIS name is, we dont need to look any where else and do lots of translating etc… , we see the authorised king james will take you straight to gahena,and if you belive in going to “heaven” it will never get you there!
      as for the “patriot” movement i gave up on that cluster FUxx back in the 1990’s when everyone of the leaders were drawing lines in the sand and then taking 3 steps back and drawing a new line!!
      i dont need anyone to stand up for my rights as no one thinks i should have rights. you see, im a convicted felon and thus no one stands up for MY rights even though my family came to america on the mayflower. put a bullet in my head or lock me away, it dont matter to me. i actualy sat in the day room in prison reading CBW THE POOR MANS ATOMIC BOMB that i ordered threw interlibrary loan program, and sharing some of the info with my “brothers”. i use to sand blast and repaint water towers, i worked at a big power plant, and im a mechanic, and experienced in all phases of construction too. and a search of my records will prove i dont care about breaking mans laws, if i want to do something, i CAN do it!! so when the time comes, it is eye for eye and tooth for tooth, but 10 times the vengence!

  8. I mean no harm here.
    All I’m really saying is that you can believe in what you want to.
    I don’t need to quote or pull up scripture.
    What’s important here is your intent and harming other people.
    Look at your life and reflect on what your decisions that you made in retrospect.
    I am not judging you and I am not shooting arrows at your heart.
    I have to pay for my own sins…such as yourself.
    I just don’t believe in religion.
    That is my soul right.
    Believe what you want… if that makes you a better person.
    I adore that….
    Healthy conversation is always good.
    It heals the soul.

  9. Wow! Serious and deep article. As I read the comments I think you are all correct in your feelings and thoughts and going in the right direction. Maybe just at different levels in our journey through this life. Different destinations for different people. I’m inclined to think that organized religion will lead a lot of people to a place they don’t want to be. You know the kind, the feel good, me, myself and I religion taught by wealthy preachers holding hands with the governmental IRS. To me, my beliefs are personal and live in my heart from God’s word, both written and that were spoken from the 1599 Geneva Bible and King James Version. All the rest are watered down, words changed and in some completely taken out. There are some churches and religions whose father is the Devil. The same way he tricked Eve he does to millions today.
    Our mind and it’s thoughts change throughout our life’s, as do our beliefs.
    Is this life all there is? No, there are dimensions…”Ephesian’s 6:12″.
    The purpose of life? I believe is to seek the one true God any way you can.
    This life is to separate the sheep from the goats at the end of time by how you have chosen what to believe and live your life. Jesus Christ points to father in all things and is the way and the light. May God bless all of you on your journeys and keep you safe. Remember, it’s what you believe in your heart, not what others want you to believe.

  10. James 1:13
    “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:”

    Hebrews 4:15
    “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”

    Apparent contradiction here if J.C. is God.

    If J.C. is God who raised him from the dead?

    Hebrews 4:15
    “God is NOT a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and
    shall he not make it good?

    1 Corinthians 15:27-28
    ” For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.
    And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.”

    God who put all things under Christ’s feet is excepted.
    The Son himself will also be subject unto Him, God.

    All power and authority has been given to Christ by God. Christ will subject himself unto God once all things are put in subjection.

  11. I read the bible front and backward almost 35 years ago.
    The most prominent passages I feel now as I review is …
    “Proverbs” now there is true wisdom in its weight in gold.
    As I read it now it brings tears to my eyes.
    I’m gonna check in to a local hotel now just so I can steal a Gideons bible.
    But they don’t even put bibles in hotels to steal anymore.
    Just towels.

    1. You can’t steal a towel from a hotel flee. 16 years ago one of my kids took a towel home from a hotel pool area, and I was promptly charged $25.00. Who stole from who? Haha!

      I’m staying out of this conversation because I’m not well versed enough about the bible to engage. But I will say this: live your lives in truth and compassion. That is all.

    2. Yeah flee, they probably figured you’d need an extra shower after returning from the “Dirty Church!” Gideon’s Bible is dispensed off the toilet roll now for easy bathroom reading!

      The “Dirty Church” has turned more away than attend their sermons. Blind faith or just blind to what’s happening in our world, those still participating will be there next Sunday “come hell or high water.”

      I’ve attend services at many different churches and denominations. There’s good and bad in everything. For me, I’ll take my religion with a tablespoon of salt!

  12. I am just now beginning to learn all of your names. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your replies. It is not fair for man to not know God. I left my email above for questions. The point that I was trying to make is simply this; the same people that have destroyed the bill of rights is the same people that have tried to destroy the Authorized King James New Testament. You don’t have to believe what I believe, you are free and I respect your rights.

  13. Katie:
    If God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. If Jesus Christ was the son of God and son of Man. Do you recognize what the transfiguration was? If the Word was with God and the Word was God and Jesus Christ’s name is the Word of God. Isaiah said, “Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. That this ‘son’ who took on flesh and nailed it to the cross, whose kingdom was not of this world (Satan’s kingdom but his, Jesus, was to come). God also said there is no other saviour but ME! Thus Jesus was God, became flesh, overcame Satan (his power over us if we are in him), became a man whose name is The Everlasting Father…then maybe we need to pray and reconsider our beliefs and whether they are Truth…only God could do what Jesus did as a man who taught us how to pray. We worship God in Spirit and in Truth, Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE and that life is eternal in the world to come. This present life if war, it is tribulation, but in Christ Jesus we are more than overcomers. The wicked know nothing and continue in their rebellion and in their delusions that God sends to them and they will never see life.

    1. “Sincerity is no guarantee for the truth.”
      Sir, I believe you are sincere yet in error.
      We each will stand approved before God as we rightly divide His word.
      God is Spirit. Adam was formed, made and created. Formed from the dust, made with soul life(breath life)and became a living soul, and created Adam in His own image. What is the image of God?
      God is Spirit.
      Adam disobeyed God causing death to enter into the world. “In the day you eat thereof you shall surely die.” Adam continued to live for many, many yrs.. He still had soul life,( breath life) and a physical body. Animals have soul life( breath life.) The Spirit is what died first and foremost, then physical death occurred yrs. later.
      Gen. 3:15 The 1st prophecy of Jesus Christ mankind’s redeemer.
      Her seed( Mary’s seed.) The seed comes from the male.
      Luke 1:35″ And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
      As stated above “The Holy Ghost” overshadowed Mary(supernatural conception). God cannot be born, for God is Spirit, but His son Jesus can.
      Again, Gen.3:15 is the 1st time mentioned of a seed, our Promised Seed, referring to Jesus. He had a beginning, where as God has no beginning.

      “then maybe we need to pray and reconsider our beliefs and whether they are Truth…only God could do what Jesus did as a man…….”
      Sir, God’s word interprets itself on it’s own in the verse, in the context or where it(a word, or subject matter) has been used before.
      Jesus Christ being God is not an area that I will EVER reconsider nor pray for understanding to the end that I would somehow see the truth.
      One more thing, Jesus said that the works he did ,they(we also) would do also, and greater than these,because I go unto my Father referring to the gift of holy spirit that would then become available enabling these works to be done. Being able to do these works does not make us God any more than it made Jesus God.
      Jesus was and is a man, who is not ashamed to call us his brothers.
      Not worshipping Jesus as God diminishes not his authority nor position as God’s only begotten son, man’s redeemer, given by God, his Father and ours. We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.
      One more thing, man’s salvation depends not upon believing Jesus is God, but upon confessing Jesus as Lord and believing God raised him from the dead.
      If you and I have met this requirement, then we are brothers in Christ.
      “Good master.” “Why callest me good, there is none good but God.”

  14. We were taught the earth was how old? Then there’s the old testament and the revised version. When did the depiction of Jesus begin and who was the artist? Seems strange, sacrificing was a requirement. If my native ancestors didn’t know about Jesus, are they in hell?

    1. the chineese have a written record that goes back 13,000 years. the generations of adam are just 1/2 that. this proves 2 things. 1 is that we are not all of one blood, and 2, that genesis 1 and genesis 2 are 2 diffrent creations. in genesis 1 , GOD creates man with just a spoken word, but genesis HE creates man from the dust of the earth and breathes life into him making him a living soul. this second creation is a physical creation, where as the first was spoken only. this is only explination.
      im not sure when exactly the chruches started letting jewish rabi’s teach the old testement in the christian seminaries, but they really put the wild cat in the hen house and locked the door with that one!! it does not matter if the preacher is decived himself or if he is just selling the souls of his congregation, a deciver ia a deciver!! first off all one needs to do is read the agreement one signs to become a 501(c)(3) tax exempt church or preacher , it is an irs form you sign that is selling tax exempt status to keep preachers mouths shut!!
      i read my bible every single day for 45 minutes minimum for 20 years, read it from cover to cover every single word, just like you read any other book, so i read it over 20 times!! so i know what it says and can not tolerate a lieing sack of humanure hiding behind a diploma or divinity certificite. when you go into a 501c3 church and question the preachers message you are asked to not come back. i really enjoy offering him $5,000 cash (in front of his congregation) if he can show me any where in his bible where it says that the jews are GOD’s chosen people or Isrealites!! i then tell the congregation to ask him every sunday where my $5,000 tithe is! leave a fist full of my contact cards with them and leave.
      it really embaresses the preacher as that crap he teaches is NOT in there!! he is a proven lier because he cant prove what hs says!!

    2. Mel:
      There are thousands of posts asking this very same question, “what happens to men of old who never heard of the gospel”. Gospel means ‘good news’. Scripture tells us that God’s creation declares who he is and men are without excuse. Either in the Old Testament they had faith that God would ‘redeem them or save them’ or in the New Testament they would believe the testimony of Jesus Christ either by the works he performed or the Words he spoke. Only God can determine whether a man believed on God or not since ‘God is Spirit’ and he knows the hearts of men. When we question the goodness and severity of God we become like Zionist Israel and go about to establish our OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, which is a sure-fire indication of satanic rebellion. Those who have faith and trust in God he will save. Scripture is a revealing of God to man and his finished work from the beginning…where he talks about ‘the lamb slain from the foundations of the earth’. None of us have all the answers, but we trust in God; that is the nexus or core of salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you, that is the promise of Natures God. Each and everyone of us is responsible to God and will answer to him. The answers are there Mel, but only God can lead you to understanding in Christ and wise men can help if they know Him. They must speak according to the Law and the Testimony; the two witnesses.

  15. Katie as much as i love the founding principles of this country they have never been in the common mans favor.America is no different than Israel. We slaughtered the Indians like Palestinians for manefest destiny. Everyone on this site knows what we did to the natives was genocide. I am trying to accept the hypocrisy and i can’t swallow it. The law is, There is no law!

  16. Wade: if I may, I just started posting here. I hope you get this since I do not think the notification boxes are working properly.

    Please consider, this planet does belong to Satan now as Jesus Christ clearly stated. This is his kingdom of Babylon until Jesus takes it back. We are to occupy and be courageous until we buy the farm or he returns. We are at war with the sons of Beliar. In the end we prevail! You say this world is not worth saving…well the easy answer is Jesus Christ has already taken care of that and this world, as we know it now, this world eventually passes away. You say this world is Satan’s playground. Wade I see no amusements, what I see is murder, stealing and destroying. This is for real and is not amusing. Getting crocked would only compound my problems and take away any edge I may have to fight the good fight of faith and stay ahead of my enemy.

    Wade you say everything is dying, this is true but consider…if we understand spiritually the Revelation of Jesus Christ we know we are close to the return of Christ. We are deep into the trumpets and rubbing up against the vials. Knowing this we should be even more diligent in our walk, knowing the times. We should be looking up and not down. Let those with no hope curse their existence, and they will, shaking their fist at God as they are drawn deeper into their hatred. They will love death as Job’s wife, they will darken counsel with no understanding telling others to ‘curse God and die’.

    American nationals are becoming aware of the dark deceptions that have been put upon them by Lucifer’s followers. Push back is a bitch when they are on the receiving end. Scripture says God’s rules in the affairs of men, but men want what they want, we refuse to wait on God. They are filling up the cup in the whores hand and payback is a bitch, make no mistake it will come! There are a lot of good family men and women in this country and God will not desert them. But I believe they must come to understand the depths of Satan’s deceptions cast over them by the dragon, beast and false prophet.

    Rather than seeing the glass 1/2 empty, I see it 1/2 full. Finally these American dunderheads have to make a choice. With Burns, election fraud, GMO’s, aerial spraying, bank theft, Sandy Hook, wars with murderous intent and much more; we see a shaking of the tree, the dividing of wheat and chaff; men must get on one side or the other, then the real war begins and Jesus Christ and his army will deal with it completely and thoroughly. That is what Armageddon is about. So get rid of the beer can and get out of the playground. Become sober and vigilant because our adversary is out to murder and destroy us. The Patriot Movement is thoroughly infiltrated by the beast, but this also will reveal who is who, and will spawn true Christian patriots who understand the foundation of Common Law, The Bill of Rights and clearly show who the traitors are; they cannot hide from the light.

    Wade, you also state: What i have a problem with is people bashing Catholics and Christianity. I take it therefor you have a Catholic background and familiarity with other Christian Churches. As I see it, they rightly deserve to be bashed and bashed hard because they teach doctrines contrary to the Truth. If you can receive it we are in the last days. Jesus Christ clearly trumpeted the teaching to ‘come out of her my people lest you become partakers of her sins and receive of HER PLAGUES. I can add nothing to this. Also you do not like conflict or turmoil…good thing Jesus never felt that way. We are to put on the mind of Christ and endure as a good soldier! But, if you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small, now is the time to be trimming you lamp and for filling your vessel so you can make it through the night…pray always!

    Lastly Wade, you say: The law is, There is no law! You know and I know that is bologny. I recommend you read Mathew chapter 5 and try to understand what Jesus meant when he says he came to fulfill the Law and not destroy it. It you are Christs then the Law is written upon your fleshly heart and it is fulfilled in the two great commandments. In Christ, a friend.

    1. Bill that is very heavy what you posted.
      I don’t know what say except this…..
      We are spirits trapped in the material world.
      I think maybe Sting wrote a song about that when he was with the Police.
      Yes …I listen to the dead musicians/magicians.
      They speak their wisdom from grave.

      1. Flee, no offense but I hear the wisdom of God from above and not below. Remember Jesus Christ conquered death, hell and the grave. God’s peace surpasses all understanding. Get wisdom and with all your getting get understanding. Wishing you peace in Christ Jesus.

        1. Sorry Bill…
          No offense.
          But I don’t believe in Jesus.
          I have a question for all the Jesus believers.
          There was a gap in the bible where Jesus was about 13.. then disappeared until his thirties.
          Can any of you tell me what happened to him and where he was in those missing years ?

          1. Flee: Truly I do not think I can give any answer that would satisfy this trick question you conjure up. It is like saying, how could God have no beginning and no end. There are mysteries easily spoken but hard to be understood, especially when not approached by faith and being born from above. Another is, many are called but few are chosen. Jesus childhood, teenage years and young adulthood are of no concern to me.

            I could tell you, God is Spirit but yet he is much much more. His ways are beyond our capacity to fully grasp except by revelation of himself to us through his Word and Spirit. Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary was overshadowed by God’s spirit, Jesus had the Holy Spirit without measure, he grew in wisdom and stature among men, as a man does, until his ministry started when John the Baptist baptized Him. Jesus was the WAY, he came to show us the way that is acceptable to God. That way is coming to God by way of repentance and being born from above by the Holy Ghost. Christ crucified is foolishness to the world and those who perish, but to us who are saved it is the power of God.

            Flee I could recite verse after verse, but if God is not calling you it would be in vain. You have to ask and seek yourself, God will show you if your heart is right. There are many deep and holy mysteries in God our father that the human mind rejects. Satan stands ready to tear out of your heart and mind any truth that may lead you to eternal life in Christ Jesus. Hoping and praying you turn to Jesus Christ through repentance and baptism.

  17. Jesus wouldn’t even marry his whore wife.
    Mary Magdalene
    Did you know that she had her own gospel that was left out of the bible.
    What about the book of Enoch.
    You need to do your research before you start parroting a dead book to me.
    There is no trick question here.
    I guess that means you have no clue on Jesus’s missing years.

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