Oomf! Dominion CEO LIED! Said Voting Machines “Are Not Connected to Internet” — That Was Before Jovan Pulitzer Broke into a Dominion Machine during Live Testimony Using Internet

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Dominion Voting Machines’ CEO John Poulos says their machines are not designed to be online.

Poulos made the statement during testimony before the Michigan State Oversight Committee on December 15, 2020.

John Poulos told the committee, “Additionally, voting systems are by design are meant to be used as closed systems that are not networked meaning they are not connected to the internet.”

That was the CEO of Dominion just two weeks ago.

Then this happened.

On Wednesday during his live testimony before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections, inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer hacked into a Dominion Voting Machine — LIVE during his testimony.

Pulitzer confirmed that the Georgia runoff IS connected to the internet.

He established a two-way communication from a polling pad in a voting center.

“At this very moment at a polling location in the county, not only do we have access through the devices to the poll pad–the system, but WE ARE IN,” Pulitzer said.

He continued, “And it’s not supposed to have WiFi and that’s not supposed to be able to happen so we’ve documented now it’s communicating two ways in real time, meaning it’s receiving data and sending data — should never happen, shouldn’t be WiFi, we’ve now documented it in real-time.”

Jovan Pulitzer just exposed the Dominion CEO as a confirmed liar.
These voting machines should be outlawed from use in future elections!

Gateway Pundit

2 thoughts on “Oomf! Dominion CEO LIED! Said Voting Machines “Are Not Connected to Internet” — That Was Before Jovan Pulitzer Broke into a Dominion Machine during Live Testimony Using Internet

  1. I’m having a deja vu re Hillary. What record keeping act from the 1940s? I’m still perplexed that she claimed she didn’t know it was against federal government policy DUHH aka a crime to have an unsecured secret server and also during the time she was Secretary of State. She implicated other politicians too (example 44 & Bill Clinton) which no one seems to gaf about except me, Lindsay Graham and a few other ppl. Smh.

    Anyway, as far as Dominion, It’s one or the other. Can’t have it both ways. Either CEO John Poulos is hiding relevant information intentionally, Aka lying or else he simply doesn’t know his company’s machines better. Aka plain old stupid.
    But John Poulos just might be arrogant enough to put himself in the pokey.
    We’ll find out soon, I hope.

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