Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To ‘Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag’


It is widely accepted that American public schools are controlled by liberals. It seems like every day, we see new examples of American schoolchildren being indoctrinated with left-wing ideas.

This latest example was brought to our attention by a concerned parent.  

Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words “We pledge allegiance to an International Flag.”

Check out the flag the kindergarten class created:

The flag is being auctioned off as a way to raise funds for the Parent Teacher Association. According to the description offered on the auction site:

The students made a beautifully painted stretched canvas American Flag and then applied flags from all the Spanish speaking countries onto the stripes of the American flag. All the children chose a flag to color using colored pencils and they were glued onto the larger American flag. The stars are cut canvas which are painted and decorated with REAL Swarovski Crystals (gold and crystal colored)!

The fun quote on the bottom is about unity and creating an environment in which everyone is welcome! “We pledge allegiance to an International Flag!” Our dual language classroom strives to be a place that everyone feels welcome! (Emphasis added)

Although the description claims that the flags are limited to “Spanish speaking countries”, the Russian flag is amongst those that are included.

This is the type of globalist indoctrination we have come to expect from the public school system, but telling impressionably young American children that their loyalty should lie with some nebulous idea of a global community rather than their own nation is a new low.

UPDATE: The auction site on which the flag was featured has taken down all images of the item as well as any description of it.

Read more: http://www.hannity.com/articles/hanpr-election-493995/outrageous-public-school-students-taught-to-14451508/#ixzz4232kleic

22 thoughts on “Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To ‘Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag’

  1. I will not call these people parents that dump their most precious asset in a school, away from them for 6-8 hrs. per day, 5 days a week.

    They can’t parent when their children are not around to parent.

    There is NO excuse to send children off, away from mom and dad.

    International pledges are exactly what this country deserves because people don’t CARE for their offspring. They will not PROTECT their children, so why would they care about a James Boyd and the many others that have been brutalized?

    1. You are delusional to think anyone can survive without working or making a living. It is almost impossible to keep a roof over your head without both parents working. This then requires children to be away from parents. The entire system is designed that way……would you have my family live in the forest under tarps? Sorry but you must be an older person or have money. Luckily my wife and I work hard enough to put our children in a christian school instead of the government camps for kids. But most good americans are not so fortunate or are unable to work. Please re think your attack on parents.

      1. Well Frank, if you and wife work hard enough to send your children to a Christian school which costs, wife could certainly keep your children at home and raise and educate them herself. As I said, there is NO excuse, even the Christian school one. Parents are the problem.
        Old, not extremely, rich, absolutely NOT. There was never a mention in my comment of not working or making a living. My husband works to take care of his family, and I take care of home and children. You know, the way it used to be before women became liberated, and men stopped being men, allowing their women to dump their children somewhere, so someone else could raise them.
        I’ve heard your excuse that both parents have to work many, many times, and I’m hear to tell you it’s NOT true. You just do with out the vacations, newer cars, new clothes and a picture perfect home with matching decor.
        Most parents (mothers) don’t want to raise their children, it is the HARDEST work she will ever do, and there’s no paycheck at the end of the week.

        1. I’m with you Katie……..people have the ability to adapt to any situation. As the saying goes ‘where there is a will there is a way’ One must decide what the priorities are…..my sister worked many years on the graveyard shift on weekends while her husband worked M-F during the day while raising 3 boys…..they never had a babysitter….they did attend public school but their genuine education was done at home

      2. ” I work hard enough to put our children in a christian school instead of the government camps for kids”

        a good judo-‘christian’ indoc center im sure. 501Cwhat? better look that one up.

        I work hard at not putting any kids into any camps.

        It is funny how people either think the harder they work the more prestigious they become OR if they didn’t work SOOO hard they would end up in the woods living under tarps. Gotta get that mammon. It makes the world go round DONT IT?

        Im with Katie on this one.

        Plus Im in a bitter mood. R!

  2. Look at the flags they used to cover the stripes.

    Most of them are from central and south America.

  3. What a lovely desecration. I mean, as far as desecrations go, this one is rather nice. It sure beats all those other desecrations that involve burning and stomping and sh!tting.
    I guess when your desecration is pleasing to the eye then it can’t possibly be a desecration. Especially when it’s school kids doing the desecrating. School kids wouldn’t desecrate anything.
    I’m sure the teachers knew they were involved in a desecration but I doubt they told the kids they were desecrating that day.
    I wonder what the commie teachers will teach the kids to desecrate next?

  4. America isn’t a nation anymore. It’s an economic territory ruled by an oligarchy — basically, a tax farm.

    Even so, I’m a firm believer in the Bill of Rights, and that document is MY flag.

    BTW, Sean Hannity is a twat. No insult intended toward Misty, whom I have no beef with.

  5. Here you go, just in case you forgot. “I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible”,……..”And will kick anyone’s ass that says otherwise!”

  6. The U.S. flag represents imperialism to most of the world as well it should. Freedom comes from the souls of men and not from Betsy Ross’s needle. To thy own self be true. Is your freedom diminished because someone physically shits on the flag or because your democratic leaders presume to be the policemen of the world and murder civilians in the best interests of the international bankers and their crony corporations in your name? Why pledge allegiance to anything besides your personal morality and defense of your property? I’m sure Hillary Clinton and John McCain each have our great flag of republican freedom hanging in their respective offices just like Lincoln did. Freedom is everything. Symbols of freedom are like looking at a picture of the grand canyon on the wall of your jail cell.Maybe we should just say goodbye to public schools and pledge allegiance to our children.

  7. “… but telling impressionably young American children that their loyalty should lie with some nebulous idea of a global community rather than their own nation is a new low.”

    Hardly unexpected, however.

    They ARE communist indoctrination centers, so that would be the expected agenda.

  8. I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the next party to bedhead one of or enemy. They ain’t to hard to find. You know, there is such a word for this ilk. Son’s of bitches, no morals, no honor, just worthless pieces of dung, stinkin’ up the place, and need to be removed.

    Hideous creatures, Demons of Flesh, how else could you explain Hillary?

      1. Hey #1! 🙂
        Yes, it is Scary. I was speechless/sad/angry about what they now call “teaching” (I could go on and on) when I first read it. All I could do was shake my head, while thinking “God help us”…
        I sent it in for posting, after I read this post about the flag (thought they fit together), but it didn’t go through.
        I’m checking out, too.
        Nite, nite 🙂

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