Police Shoot & Kill Grandfather While Responding To Burglary Call

Driver's license photo of Jerry Wayne Waller, who was shot and killed by a Fort Worth police officer on May 28, 2013. (credit: Texas Department of Public Safety)CBS DFW

FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) – A grandfather checking on his neighbor is shot and killed by Fort Worth police. The shots rang out early Tuesday morning near Woodhaven Country Club, in east Fort Worth.

Those close to the family say the victim lived nearby and heard his neighbor’s burglar alarm. Neighbor Jerry Wayne Waller then apparently went outside to see what was going on.  

The 72-year-old man didn’t even make it to the house across the street before he was shot. He died on his own property.

The neighbors in the Woodhaven Country Club area and generally know each other pretty well. Becky Haskin, a former Fort Worth City Councilmember, lives in the area and said she believes Waller, “…was doing what neighbors do probably checking on the neighbor that the alarm went off.”

The elderly man, who was armed at the time, was shot and killed in his own driveway by police responding to a burglary call. “We heard five shots,” Haskin recalled. They were just rapid fire one after the other.”

Speaking on the incident Fort Worth police Cpl. Tracey Knight said, “Officers felt threatened by the man with the handgun and he was shot.”

After the shooting Haskin said, “The police officers were sobbing uncontrollably and very distraught.”

For the normally quiet and quant neighborhood, Waller’s death is devastating. Neighbors say he and his family have always been very involved in the community. “They are just a nice retired couple, that loved working in their yard, having family over, and grandkids,” Haskin said.

CBS 11 News has been trying to get more answers from Fort Worth police. The official response has primarily been that the shooting is “an ongoing investigation.”

CBS 11 has learned that the two officers involved were not hurt and have been placed on administrative leave.

Fort Worth Police Chief Jeff Halstead released the following statement regarding the shooting:

“The events that took place the early morning hours on May 28th will require a significant amount of investigative effort; however, we remain committed to working with our residents and making this process efficient and transparent.

I ask for your patience, your understanding, and most importantly, your prayers for all involved.”


16 thoughts on “Police Shoot & Kill Grandfather While Responding To Burglary Call

  1. When the police are found to have done nothing wrong in this shooting (as I’m sure will happen) the message to citizens will be that if you feel threatened, even if no real threat actually exists, it is OK and quite proper to defend yourself by killing whoever you happen to believe is threatening you.

    I wonder if the police would support this idea if a citizen feels threatened by the police?

  2. Another very unfortunate situation due to what seems to be the norm these days in the police state. That these two particular officers were “sobbing uncontrollably” may serve to protect in the future. Maybe they have learned their lesson and will strive to change the overly aggressive style of shooting at ordinary citizens, gun or no gun. Prayers to all involved.

  3. This seems to be a reinforcing of the police state; shoot a few ordinary Joes out-of-hand, let them know who’s in charge. A terrible end to a neighborly act.

  4. This seems to be the norm now days on how officers are trained. See a person with a weapon, kill them, then say you felt threatened, then take a paid vacation. Hell of a deal if you can live with it. And I’m sure a lot of the bottom feeders can deal with it.

    1. Police killing innocent people is NOT going to stop until we stop police from investigating themselves.

      Obama wants to investigate himself, Holder wants to investigate himself and police can see nothing wrong with doing the same.

      Americans have to be the stupidest people on the planet for allowing this to happen!

      1. Actually, they’re the most brainwashed people on the planet.

        But then again, the NWO absolutely needs them to be, considering they’re also the most well-armed people on the planet.

        A well-armed AND fully aware population is their worst nightmare.

  5. I wonder how the police would feel,if the citizens would open fire on them.everytime they..the police..are seen in a neighborhood,simply for the reason that we the people would consider them a threat.makes a person wonder if it would make them think twice about their so called justified killings.none of us are safe anymore from the tax funded killers.

  6. We can definitively now say that the police are a THREAT to our well being! Calling 911 in an emergency now leads to the MURDERS of innocent men/women/children!
    Would we receive the same treatment as the officers if the roles were reversed? OR IS IT A DOUBLE STANDARD!?!?!?
    The police have become militarized and are now an UNCONSTITUTIONAL STANDING ARMY!

    1. Just wait until those same LEOs open up with a MaDuce from atop a LAV at the local shopping mall chasing a shoplifter!

  7. There are entirely too many cases like this. LEO’s are ignoring the fact that we have as much right to carry as they do. They are trying to intimidate the entire population into being afraid to own or carry…you can be shot on sight without consequence.

  8. The pigs were “sobbing uncontrollably”. The only thing in that scenario that was “uncontrolled” was the pigs “shoot first, ask questions later” attitude. If that were my grandfather, those 2 pigs wouldn’t be breathing now.

  9. How is DoJ not arresting these [apparently nameless] officers for depriving this man, Jerry Wayne Waller, of his Constitutional right to keep and bear arms?

    After all, he was merely keeping and bearing his weapon… so what gives??

    Is that a right that we intend to protect against any and all who would usurp it… or not? Are there any officials who swore to defend US citizens rights in jurisdiction ???

  10. “The police officers were sobbing uncontrollably and very distraught.”

    I call bullshit on that, high fives all round more likely- those No Hesitation targets are working real good. Wonder if those pigs get a prize if they snare themselves a full set- old person, pregnant woman and a kid?

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