Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Fort Worth, TX — In the land of the free, having tall grass can land you in hot water with the state. We’ve reported on case after infuriating case of individuals who have received astronomical fines in the name of tall grass — with some of them even losing their homes. To make sure you have a short lawn, the state will go to great lengths.
Well, this week, a man in Fort Worth, Texas decided that he wasn’t having it anymore. On Friday, police were dispatched to the home of a man whose grass was too long to meet the city’s arbitrary requirements but when they showed up, the homeowner had a message for them — in the form of bullets.
According to the Fort Worth Police Department, police officers and Fort Worth Code Compliance officers arrived at the 4800 block of Cedar Springs Drive for an execution warrant for a high grass violation. The warrant was in reference to an ongoing Code Compliance issue, according to police who arrived at approximately 8:30 a.m.
Police said they knocked on the man’s door to tell him about the warrant and the action being taken but they received no response. After several failed attempts to contact the man inside, city code enforcers began mowing his grass.
Moments after the lawnmower started up, the man inside opened the front window to his home and opened fire on the mowers, Code Compliance officers, and police officers.
As police took cover, the homeowner continued firing at them on two more occasions. Luckily, no one was hurt before an hours-long standoff ensued.
After the man barricaded himself in the home, he eventually surrendered without incident around 12:20 p.m.
Police have not released the name of the man who opened fire on them. However, witnesses and neighbors say the man was a father of two and now his children will go to CPS.
“I would see their kids get off the school bus and see them walk down to the house,” Melissa Sandoval told the Star-Telegram. “So it’s kinda sad watching, I guess CPS, take those kids out of the house.”
According to neighbor Chris Morken, the man who lived in the home had a conflict with the Homeowners Association because they made him mow his grass when he did not want to do so.
“This is the craziest thing I’ve seen in this neighborhood in the year since I moved here,” Morken said. “The only other thing I’ve seen were some kids fighting on the corner. It’s usually pretty quiet.
“It was really odd to see police in riot gear running down the street in front of my house,” he said. “Guys in suits with guns — it was strange.”
As TFTP reported earlier this year, another man is going to lose his home to these same tax-addicted thugs because of long grass.
Jim Ficken is not a criminal, has never been in jail, and is a model citizen in the town of Dunedin, Florida. However, the government intends to rob him and steal his home because Ficken’s grass grew too long and Ficken was unable to cut it.
The entire police state overreach began for Ficken in 2019 when he was out of town trying to take care of his late mother’s estate and his grass did what grass does, it grew. Knowing that it is unpleasing to neighbors to grow long grass, Ficken hired a friend to cut it for him while he was away, but that friend died and Ficken had no idea.
Because Ficken’s grass was over 10 inches, the city government claimed Jim owed them money. Every day that Ficken kept his grass over the “legal limit,” the government would steal $500 from him. This went on for 57 days, and now, the government claims Ficken owes them nearly $30,000.
Ficken cannot pay this insane amount of money. Being unable to pay immoral fines imposed on one’s private property by goons in the local government is of no concern to said goons and they intend on getting their money—by any means necessary. So, they are going to take his home.
In May, the city informed Ficken that they will be stealing his home by moving toward foreclosure on it.
Well there you have it…the land of the free and the home of the brave; as long as you obey your local communist HOA mandates, enforced by Gov..!
DTTNWO and all Organized militias who show up AFTER we the people start taking care of business!
So the pigs and HOA were terrorists
And he stood his ground
Yeah idiots don’t get it , that if you keep on pushing people you are responsible for what you get from them
Don’t poke the bear unless you’re willing to put up with your head being swiped off
This is usually an early life learning thing
No need of a higher IQ , little children usually learn this at childhood
No excuses for the idiots , they own every bit of what he dished back out
Well stated
The unlawfuls need to pick up their toys and go home.
I love this guy!!
He will mow it when he GD pleases
Get it ?
Dam , some people are so dam thick