Private Property Rights Disappear With Michigan Invasive Species Order

Food Freedom USA

The Michigan feral swine declaratory ruling is rescinded, while the invasive species order moves ahead. So now the Constitution is being trampled once again in Michigan and Bakers Green Acres is under the iron fist once again, this after three long years of battle between Mark Baker and the Michigan DNR. Due process is dead and tyranny runs amuck with the Michigan DNR’s latest unconstitutional action.  (See video below). The Fourth Amendment is shackled and tossed overboard in Michigan. If you refuse to stand with this patriot farmer, you have failed as an American. Go to and the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund to help fund the resistance to the tyranny of the Agricultural Industrial Complex.  

“……there’s two things there that you need to be concerned with
first of all it was found to be unconstitutional. But he’s stating here they plan to
move forward with implementing this. What this means is the invasive species order gives the the Michigan Department of Natural Resources the right to come on private property and inspect for invasive species. You no longer have the right to tell them ‘leave this is private property’. Right they’ve given themselves the way around your fourth amendment”
Mark Baker

When will the general population awaken from their slumber and realize that they have been led like naive sheep into a Communist society. How often do you hear today from the Anthroposophists about community, all this warm and fuzzy feel good garbage, flowers, rainbows, and unicorns, yet nothing about your God given individual rights?
Think about it.

“Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God”, Thomas Jefferson said. Is your god the ‘warm and fuzzies’ as in Anthroposophy, the religion of the New World Order? This country was not founded by, nor can it be saved, with a ‘warm and fuzzy’ Anthroposophical New World Order pacifist agenda. Remember, pacifists hate and detest patriots.

The time has come where you are going to have to resist, with all your God given abilities, the tyranny that is trampling our God given rights daily all across Amerika. Even the world’s most hated leader of all time, Adolph Hitler, sent the Anthroposophists out from Germany because of the societal destruction their Anthroposophical religion was causing. Resist the warm and fuzzies and do not fall into their trap. Founded by the Theosophist, Anthroposophist, and Occultist, Rudolph Steiner, Anthroposophy is now disguised in Amerika today as the Waldorf school system and Bio-dynamic farming. The Waldorf school system uses a humanistic approach in science and education. Yes, God is dead in the Waldorf-Steiner educational system and it creates New World Order zombies that are anti Second Amendment, but the ‘educated’ children become good little pacifist community activists, socialists, and communists. The Bio-dynamic farmers use spells and incantations, along with organic practices to grow their ‘organic’ crops. Biodynamic agriculture uses various herbal and mineral additives for compost additives and field sprays; these are sometimes prepared by controversial methods, such as burying ground quartz stuffed into the horn of a cow, which are said to harvest “cosmic forces in the soil”.

Americans, we will have to get down on our knees and pray for the strength and courage as George Washington once did to Almighty God. Then if God grants you the strength and courage, you will be obliged, to God, to use all your talents and abilities to defend your God given Constitutional rights against these jack-booted thugs that are only ‘doing their job’. Sic semper tyrannis.

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