Protest for Teen Killed By Taser – A Community Outraged By Cops (Israel Hernandez)


I want to thank everyone in 2012 including the over 8 million viewers we had on this one youtube page that made our work possible. We had an incredible year and after everything that we experienced the bad the ugly the good and beautiful. One thing I learned is that with love, hard work and a positive attitude we can achieve anything.

Again thank you so much to everyone who donated to make this year possible.

Music: The agency of missing hearts…
from et_

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3 thoughts on “Protest for Teen Killed By Taser – A Community Outraged By Cops (Israel Hernandez)

  1. The time for vocal outrage is quickly coming to the end. Protests are another form of symbolism that is facing a demise. Web sites have been built around these atrocities & blogged about until the letters are worn from keyboards. The perpetrators of these atrocities are not held in full account of their actions. Nothing much left other than direct action against a known enemy. May God show pity on them, for I know the oppressed & wounded won’t.

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