Daily Mail – by ASHLEY COLLMAN
What started as a peaceful protest against the Albuquerque Police Department quickly turned violent by nightfall with officers in riot gear breaking out the tear gas.
At least 500 people gathered on the steps of the Albuquerque Police department on Sunday to condemn the recent police killing of 38-year-old James Boyd. Earlier this week hacktivist group Anonymous posted a video online calling for locals to occupy police headquarters and take a stand against Boyd’s ‘cold blooded’ murder.
‘Let them know that your city is not a place for war games against the homeless and the less fortunate,’ the group said in the video.
While there were no reports of injuries or arrests in the early hours of the protest, things took a turn as night fell with police using tear gas on the group and making arrests.

What started as a peaceful protest against the Albuquerque Police Department quickly turned violent by nightfall with officers in riot gear breaking out the tear gas

Police in riot gear used tear gas on a group of protesters gathered to condemn the recent killing of a homeless man by two officers

APD officers started making arrests too as the protest went into its tenth hour

‘We want justice!’: Hundreds gathered in downtown Albuquerque Sunday to protest the recent police killing of homeless man James Boyd, 38

Calm: The 300 protesters were met by police in riot gear, but the demonstration remained peaceful with no reported arrests

Marching: The protest started out at police headquarters before heading to Civic Plaza and the University of New Mexico campus

Confrontation: A woman yells at a police officer in riot gear during the protests on Sunday
The protest started around noon today, with hundreds gathering outside of police headquarters in downtown Albuquerque.
‘Hey hey! Ho ho! Killer cops have got to go!’ the protesters, wearing Guy Fawkes’ masks, chanted.
The masks have become a rallying symbol for Anonymous, which also seems to have hacked into the APD website today – causing it to shutdown from morning until at least 4:30pm.
A Twitter account claiming to be connected to the organization tweeted a list of APD officers phone numbers.A police spokesman could not confirm whether the numbers were authentic.
While police showed up with batons and riot gear, the demonstration remained peaceful with protesters marching between APD headquarters, Civic Plaza and the University of New Mexico campus for several hours.
Police even shut down a street to make sure none of the protesters were injured in traffic.
But things took a turn about eight hours into the protest when the demonstrators started vandalizing property, with one person trying to take down a street sign, others spray-painting property and a group trying to push over a police cruiser.
When the protest returned to APD headquarters officers warned the crowd to clear the area since it was an unlawful protest.
But the protesters said they wouldn’t stop until the police chief is fired, prompting police to release at least a dozen tear gas canisters on the group gathered on Central Ave around 9:30pm.
There were reports of several people being arrested and taken away in police cruisers.
At least one police officer was injured in the protest, and another was isolated in his car while a group of protesters tried to break the windows.
Locals are being told to avoid the area while residents at the University of New Mexico are sheltering in their dorms.
State Senator Joseph Cervantes tweeted that his daughter was in one of the UNM dorms impacted by the tear gas.
‘We respected their rights to protest obviously,’ Mayor Richard Berry said, ‘but what it appears we have at this time is individuals who weren’t connected necessarily with the original protest … they’ve taken it far beyond a normal protest.’
The protesters were marching in response to the March 16 police killing of Boyd, 38, who was found camped out in the hills surrounding Albuquerque.
Lapel camera footage released by the APD shows half a dozen officers standing 20 feet away from the man shouting ‘get on the ground’ and ‘drop the knife!’ before shooting unloaded beanbags, stun guns and live rounds on him.
Boyd, who police say had a lengthy criminal record, later died.

Curtained off: The protest led police to shut down one street for safety

Police in riot gear great protesters at a major thoroughfare

Their message: Protesters hold up signs reading ‘I’m mad’ and ‘APD Brutality Ends Now’ on the steps of police headquarters

Face to face: Police officers holding batons meet a group of seated protesters on an Albuquerque street

Lined up: Police officers hold their places during the protests on Sunday

Shooters: APD Officers Keith Sandy (left) and Dominique Perez (right) were placed on leave following Boyd’s killing
Officers Keith Sandy and Dominique Perez have been placed on leave since the incident.
But Albuquerque Police Chief Gorden Eden said in a press conference that he thought his officers’ actions were justified.
‘The officers were attempting to affect a felony arrest using less-than lethal weapons, including a distractive device, K9, and a Taser shotgun,’ Eden said.
Authorities said Boyd threatened to kill a Crisis Intervention Team officer called to the scene.
When Boyd refused to follow police orders and an unarmed K9 officer got close to him, officers Keith Sandy and Dominique Perez shot toward Boyd, Eden said.
The video footage shows an injured Boyd with two five-inch knives in his hand when officers surround and handcuff him.

Police in Albuquerque are facing intense criticism after video footage was released which appears to show officers using excessive force to apprehend James Boyd, a homeless man who was holding two knives

Two police officers each fired three bullets causing Boyd to fall to the ground. A medical examiner has not yet determined if the bullets killed Boyd

The video footage shows an injured Boyd with two five-inch knives in his hand when officers surround and handcuff him
‘The suspect did in fact make a decision not to follow the directions that (were) provided to him by the officers,’ Eden said.
‘On many occasions he said that he was not going to come off that mountain.’
However, Boyd’s death is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to police killings in the New Mexico capital.
The U.S. Justice Department has been investigating the Albuquerque police for a year, following reports of more than three dozen police shootings since 2010.
‘We need to look at some changes within the department, but I think more importantly we need to restore confidence in the Albuquerque police department,’ said City Council President Ken Sanchez.
State Senator Michael Padilla said he was responding to worried constituents.
He says he was disturbed not only by the video, but by APD Police Chief Gorden Eden’s comments that the shooting was justified.
‘I’m very concerned about the chief of police immediately jumping to conclusions,’ Padilla said.
‘I think we all know with camera on the lapel video – something definitely happened.’
Sanchez said he was concerned about how the public now sees the APD.
‘We need to work hard to restore confidence in the men and women who work for the Albuquerque Police Department,’ he told KOB4.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2593008/Albuquerque-police-website-hacked-hundreds-gather-headquarters-protest-cold-blooded-killing-homeless-man-officers.html#ixzz2xXY09X1k
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I am going to keep saying it,protests are fine and brings attention to acts of tyranny but get the hacker patriots hitting the cops involved lives,not the pd home page,screw with their bank accounts/any other finances/licenses ect.,steal their identity and make em public,make these folks life miserable and guess what,you didn’t use violence of a physical nature.Find and list the addresses of killer cops,let the public know where they live,turnabout a fair play.
James that is a great idea till they find out who is doing it then they will be murdered as well. The way you stop a killer s to kill him.or her .which ever the case. Cops are killing civilian more and more all the time and the stats prove it too.Just imagine what these swines are doing that you never even hear about! DHS and the military are being primed for the very same thing too and just because people choose to believe otherwise don’t change that fact too.
“‘The suspect did in fact make a decision not to follow the directions that (were) provided to him by the officers,’ Eden said.”
Yea and he attempted to walk away, but the police and their egos didn’t like that, so they killed him.
Anyways, I wonder if these protests were organized in advanced like an Occupy group? Sounds like they could of had some agent provocateurs there when some of them were trying to flip over a police cruiser and so on or maybe people really are just getting fed up with it all. But Anonymous was a major part of it and personally I think Anonymous is nothing more than controlled opposition, but that’s just me. So this protest could have been real, but most likely was infiltrated near the end there.
Everything has to be ,a provocateurs were involved, and maybe that is true and maybe its not.At any rate the pig cops should be getting a message that the [people are waking up to their killings and carnage. See all the pigs in riot gear and clubs and spray? Rest assured there were armed pigs willing to kill all of the protesters right behind them too.The good cops for the most part are a f#@king fairy tale or they wouldn’t be cops in the first place. Hire mercenaries and they are proving that to be true all over the nation now every single day that goes by. If there were provocateurs involved at least they were on the right side. F#@king pigs have provocateurs too you know!
second large picture
guy on far left, holding a paintball gun
It would be nice if the protesters showed up armed and wiped out the entire police force, but a visible demonstration is a good start. At least they’re not ignoring the event.
I was thinking the same thing! The more these gestapos murder and oppress the people, the more likely there will come a time when the people unite and wipe out the entire police department. When enough of these steroid raging goons are wiped out, others may start to figure out that “We the people” means just that!
All cops are guilty of protecting a criminal as these cops are doing.
It is a crime for protecting a law breaker and the cops are protecting their criminal law breaking co-worker cop buddies makeing each cop just as guilty as the cops that they are protecting .
Agent provocateurs are *** ALWAYS *** involved, bank on it. Especially when violence erupts. Whenever you see “peaceful protest turns violent”, BANK ON IT THERE’S AGENT PROVOCATEURS.
If made, they should be exterminated right along with the cops.
Once we finally get to that stage.
Big Dan you say, “Agent provocateurs are *** ALWAYS *** involved, bank on it.” Don’t you think it’s about time you start recognizing such?
I’m a former Police Office, a former elected servant, I have over 28 year’s Investigative experience in legal and counter-terrorism arenas. I have an AAS, Police Science, BS, and Administration of Justice MS, Criminal Justice and MPA of International Affairs and countless hours of continuing education. I have also held the title CFE Certified Fraud Examiner. Now with that stated I believe you as a reasonable reader would agree that I have a good understanding of the mentality of a Police Officer.
What’s happening in Albuquerque is truly disconcerting. It further reflects the disturbed minds of people who shouldn’t be in the position of Police Officer. The shoot first personality that manifest itself in unofficial policy and the too willing mentality to oblige a suicide by cop are shining examples of what is wrong with Law Enforcement these days. In the real world these personality treats should have no standing in an Officers lexicon. The brain surgeons in Human Resources and Administration have failed the citizenry. They’ve failed miserably the people of New Mexico by allowing such an infestation of that Department.
The Albuquerque POLICE DEPARTMENT PARTICULARLY THOSE IN CHARGE OF HIRING AND TRAINING ARE A SAD, SORRY AND DISCUSSING COMMENTARY TO THE PEOPLE OF NEW MEXICO. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE THESE THAT HAVE NO RESPECT FOR HUMAN LIFE. What kind of people are these that allow such to happen on their watch. It’s clear they don’t understand the quality of love, mercy, fairness, the concept of three dimensional thinking much less the “land of enchantment?” WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE THESE ROCKET SCIENTIST HIRING? HOW AND BY WHOM ARE THESE PEOPLE BEING TRAINED?
I submit for your consideration the following question. What kind of people are law enforcement agencies hiring these days? Better yet what kind of training are recruits receiving? More and more we read and hear news of some atrocity committed by a Police Officer, I.G. the cannibal Cop of NYC. How and why are people like this being hired? Think about it!
Over the last several years the Albuquerque Police Department has had one of the “highest confrontation and kill” rates of any other similarly sized Departments. Its per capita standing is way out of line with the national average. This naturally leads any reasonable and prudent observer to conclude they’re doing something wrong. Nor does it take a genius to see that what’s wrong is based in the erosion of Constitutional Rights. Now ask yourself why this? These are sick – disgusting trends that should not be happening much less ever occurring. People of Albuquerque bring your department under control. Start firing: renegades Offices, sorry training Officers, sorry administrators, I.G Chief, Deputy Chiefs, Captains, Lieutenant and Sergeants. Demand they error on the side of reasonable and prudent action, Demand they start using their God given brains and think three dimensionally and using insight and foresight. Make this a political matter with the elected people you put in Office.
Remember this formula: BAD HIRING (INFERIOR CANDIDATES) + BAD TRAINING (SUBSTANDARD NON- CONSTITUTIONAL BASED) = CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION = (PUNITIVE AND COMPENSATORY CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LIABILITIES) = [HIGHER TAX AND FINANCIAL STRESS]. Until the day taxpayers get feed up with having their pocket books hit with having to pay damages for civil rights violations in the form of higher tax. “WITHOUT A DOUBT” this is a result of hiring people who are unsuitable to hold a position of Police Officer. Promoting incompetence into higher echelons and turning a blind eye will only result in the continuation of such problems? If the right and honorable people of the your State would get as fired up about this end results as you do “Obama Care” you would be much better off. “
I’d like to conclude leaving the reader with this request. Take more pride in your State encourages and demand your Governor, State Legislature, Counties Commissions; all the hiring authorizes to start using psychological testing to determine sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies of current Officers and recruits.
“Take more pride in your State encourages and demand your Governor, State Legislature, Counties Commissions; all the hiring authorizes to start using psychological testing to determine sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies of current Officers and recruits.”
Demand? Of the so-called ‘government’???
I’d have a better shot at dating Jessica Alba than the so-called ‘government’ capitulating to ANY demands made by us.
You need to take the red pill, Laurice.
1 NWO Hatr, Use your brain, the best way to effect change is to make it a political issue and by finding an Attorney with guts enough to file a Civil Rights law suit. Try it it does work.
I have only ONE question for you, Laurice.
Laurice. way too late for this kind of thinking. its all been tried. Its time to load up your liberty tools, and get ready to defend this republic. No other option is available. If you don’t, you will die in anguish, and accomplish nothing. God grant you the wisdom to do so sir.
Paul it’s never to late – your strategy will get like minded people classified as terrorist. Then think what will happen. Think how the Patriot act will be used against you and how that will in the long run hurt any cause you profess to support. You my friend will truly unleash the hounds of hell is that what you want? Do you want to feed into those who would just assume see your rights done away with. Man use your brain.
You sir are already a terrorist. According to the fbi. anyone that goes to a sight that talks against our communist gov. is a potential terrorist. Are you a so called christian? If you are then your potential terrorist. Are you a constitutionalist? If you are then you are a potential terrorist. Have you registered any firearms that you own? If you have then you are a potential terrorist. the list goes on and on.
Also the patriot is act,is allready being used against all sovereign nationals. It is being used against you right now. What you talk about, email about who you call is all being recorded. Arm up sir. Your going to need it to protect your loved ones.