5 thoughts on “Public Enemies

  1. My Fellow Americans:


    The US Federal Government IS an International Terrorist Organization!

    Bar none.

    Barry Sotoro (alias: Osama Bin Obama) and Eric Holder (Gun Runner Eric) are simply the managing directors of the US branch of the Global Terrorist Network known as the International Bankers of the UN, IMF, World Bank, BIS, Rothchilds, etc.)

    When are we going to start arresting these KNOWN,.. and PROVEN Domestic Terrorists called Obama & Holder?

    JD – US Marines – The Terrorist Organization, formly called the US Fed Gov’t is here on our soil,.. and we’re letting them get away with it???

    1. JD,
      Did you send me an email on the bulldogg22 account last week? I got one from someone claiming to be you, but it didn’t seem legit.

      1. Hi Bulldog,

        Yeah,.. that was me from my usmarine acct.

        You had posted your email on an article for someone else, and I thought I would take the opportunity to reach out to you so we could swap emails.

        Hope all is well for you brother!


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