The predator might soon become the prey if Florida scientists can confirm that Burmese pythons — an extremely invasive species in the Everglades — are safe for us to eat.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is collaborating with the Florida Department of Health to investigate the mercury levels in pythons to determine if they can be safely consumed. If so, the snakes may soon end up on restaurant menus and dinner tables across the state.
Pythons are nonvenomous constrictors primarily found in south Florida where they have posed a serious risk to native wildlife in the region. The snake is not native to the state, and began appearing in the Everglades in the 1980s when it was likely introduced as an escaped or released pet.
The FWC encourages residents to remove and humanely kill pythons when they can at any time during the year, and to report any sightings to officials.
“It is early on in the process for the mercury study. We are currently in the tissue collection stage of the project, and Covid has pushed our timeline back a bit,” wildlife commission spokeswoman Susan Neel told CNN. “The plan is to have most of these samples come from pythons that are caught by our contractor program.”
The contractor program — The Python Elimination Program — is led by commission and the South Florida Water Management District, which is funding the new mercury study. So far, more than 6,000 pythons have been removed from the Everglades through the program.
The objective of the study is to develop and share “consumption advisories for Burmese pythons in South Florida to better inform the public,” Neel said, with the hope that Floridians could soon eat pythons to help manage their populations.
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Just getting us acclimated for when the beef, pork, chicken and fish are so expensive that we can’t afford them, due to the rampant inflation that will soon hit us because our leaders are too absorbed with lining their own pockets….not ours!
eating snakes you say?
interesting …maybe those in DC should be concerned