Radiation leaks force transfer of nuclear waste from New Mexico to Texas

AFP Photo / Barbara Sax RT News

The cause of the radiation leaks at the United States’ first nuclear waste repository are still under investigation, but in the meantime government officials have decided to move a stalled shipment of waste to a private dump in Texas.

According to Reuters, the shipment of approximately 1,000 barrels of radioactive leftovers to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico, was put on hold when the facility began leaking radioactive material in February. On Thursday, the Department of Energy announced it would temporarily relocate those barrels to a rural site in western Texas.  

Beginning in April, shipments from Los Alamos National Laboratory will commence as officials hope to remove the barrels – currently stored outside and potentially at risk of a wildfire – by the original June deadline. The waste includes items contaminated with low level radiation such as clothing, tools, soil, rags, and other items. These barrels will be held in Andrews County until the WIPP reopens.

“Removing waste from the mesa in Los Alamos before fire season is critical to ensure safety in the greater Los Alamos community,” Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) said in a statement, according to the Associated Press. “I’m pleased we have a temporary solution that will ensure there will not be any significant disruption in cleanup efforts.”

However, the move has not been greeted positively by Greg Mello of the watchdog Los Alamos Study Group, who dismissed the risk of wildfire to the AP and said shipping the barrels twice poses more of a danger.

Although this is the first time the WIPP has reported a leak since it was established in 1999, a series of incidents beginning in February have raised concerns regarding the plant’s safety. Before radiation levels rose at all, a salt truck caught fire at the facility, though it’s not believed to be related to the current predicament.

Still, when the WIPP may actually reopen remains unclear. Federal officials are still trying to determine exactly what caused the spike in radiation levels on February 14, but have pinpointed the location of the leak to one of the underground storage tunnels sitting about 600 meters underground. As reported by Reuters, at least 17 workers have been exposed to radiation.

Meanwhile, a second release of radiation was detected by air monitoring stations in the surrounding area, but officials have cautioned throughout this episode that the radiation does not pose a threat to public health.

“We are doing ongoing monitoring of air, soil, water and vegetation, and we are seeing nothing that indicates any health impacts to workers, the public, or the environment,” said Energy Department spokesman Brad Bugger said to the Wall Street Journal.

A report on the leak is expected sometime in April, but in the meantime energy officials have been pushed to seek out alternative storage options in states like Idaho, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington, all of which ship waste to the WIPP.


33 thoughts on “Radiation leaks force transfer of nuclear waste from New Mexico to Texas

      1. I don’t know how much anyone can do to completely avoid the radiation, Angel-NYC. It will be hard to stay indoors in a hermetically-sealed house. Furthermore, can anyone afford to purchase a lifetime supply of iodine supplements? Eventually all the food, water, and air will be beyond the point of cleanup, if it isn’t already. The option of moving to the southern hemisphere will only buy you a few additional years, because the Pacific Ocean passes the equator, and the Atlantic, after the BP Gulf of Mexico disaster, isn’t much cleaner.

        I do not believe that Fukushima or the current situation at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico, were accidents. They are both TPTB’s final solutions for achieving a 90% World population reduction.

        Why do you even read, let alone give credence to MSM agencies like the NY Times or the Huffington Post? Just use your best instincts and, don’t eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. Enjoy life while you can and, don’t try to change a situation, which you can’t.

        1. At this point there is no way to avoid it, no matter where you move. “don’t eat, drink, sleep, or breathe” Yes, that’s what it has come down to. The only reason I post some pieces from MSM is because they do not have iron clad copyrights which would get this site closed down. Sometimes I send the topic and Admin. choses the story to post. I trust the Trenchers to be intelligent enough to sift out the propaganda and see the tidbits of fact. “Enjoy life while you can and, don’t try to change a situation, which you can’t.” If you prefer to be oblivious to what is going on outside your immediate surroundings and live in a happy little bubble or stick your head in the ground, like an osterich, that is your perogotive.

          1. Hey Angel i missed this comment earlier. As Digger says this is correct. thank you for saying it. Your perception is flawless from what I can see.

          2. Hi ya Paul. Doing it I guess. This cold weather really sucks. Supposed to be cold into at least next tues. or wendsday – lower single digits each day untill atleast wends.
            Watching old cartoons to break this cold winter attitude today. This has to break soon.
            How are you doing yourself Paul ?

          3. colder today today. o.k. i guess. Physically fair, for my age haha. going back and forth with Ian’s potential move to his dads. looks like it’s put off till first of may now. lot of hatred being spewed from his dad. very stressful. tired for this sh!t ya know. Would love to go up there, and use some of my army training on Ian’s dad, but i wont.

          4. Yes Paul, I can imagine. I am thinking that this winter is really getting to a lot of people.
            I know my budget is ruined big time because of this winter

          5. To Angel-NYC —
            “If you prefer to be oblivious to what is going on outside your immediate surroundings and live in a happy little bubble or stick your head in the ground, like an osterich, that is your perog[a]tive.” 🙁 🙁

            I feel that I may have scorned you with my statement, Angel, so let me backtrack to explain my alleged obliviousness. There are obstacles (E.g. tyranny) that we can fight and, there are static conditions (E.g. aging) that we cannot change; knowledge and awareness provide you with the wisdom to understand the difference of what you can or cannot change. Runaway, uncontained radiation is an extinction life event in slow motion… most people would rather not know the truth because a lie is easier to accept. This is why I have stated on FTTWR, more than once, that after Fukushima, and the irreversible damage it has caused, (and will cause for multiple generations) there is nothing else to fear.

            I’m not uncompassionate to your cause for alarm; however, I know what my limits are when it comes to closing Pandora’s Box. I truly hope this explains my seemingly “oblivious” posturing. 😉

            BTW: Thank you for pointing out the copyright issues regarding the posting of certain MSM website articles. I do recall this issue surfacing before, between FTTWR and WRH a while back.

  1. Yes Angel. now their going to spread this stuff to TX. Maybe kill off some patriot’s there. Psychopathic bastards.

    1. They could care less about building the storage facility over the Ogallala aquifer and a leak poisoning the water of people in 8 states. It is a money game between one Tx. billionaire (who owns the monopoly) and Texas politicians who want a piece of the pie.


    1. Wouldn’t surprise me at all.
      BTW- Perry just got back from another multi-state job poaching trip
      The one that got the most attention was CA, but he made other stops from his E. coast speaking engagement to CA and on the way back to TX. I remember reading about them last week, but I can’t find the story that listed all the stops. I remember one of them was NM.

    2. From the articles that you posted, you’re right Paul. This was definitely NO accident. This was planned!

      They already gassed Oklahoma and New Mexico. Now they are moving on to Texas. And with California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska already gassed by Fukushima, they are gassing us one state after another.


    I’M FRIGGIN MAD!!!!! 😡

    Why don’t they just spray us with it, while they’re at it!!! GGRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡

    WOrds cannot describe how mad I am right now! 😡

  3. And how much you want to make a bet those barrels are leaking or will have an “accidental” leak on the way and thus radiating all of Texas. They’ve already destroyed New Mexico. Now they are moving on to Texas and NO ONE IS DOING SHIT ABOUT IT!!!!!! WTF??? 😡

        1. You’re right, Angel. I agree that the system is corrupted and broken. What is the best way to fix the problem, and where can we relocate the hazardous waste (somewhere other than using the WH front lawn)?

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