Published on May 18, 2014 by David Parkman Show
The Travis County grand jury investigating Rick Perry’s potential abuse of power convened on Friday, and Perry may very well have to testify. According to new reports, Rick Perry asked for a non-public entrance into the courthouse in advance of the grand jury hearing. His team has apparently “asked if there was a back door way to get to the grand jury room, away from reporters, cameras and the public.”
Not surprised.
He always did strike me as a backdoor kind of guy, if you catch my drift.
“Backdoor Man” has a little different meaning up here in the “Northwoods”.
What a smug little asshole Rick “The Pr#@k” Perry has been whenever he gets media attention. He’s one of the first guys, after the obvious, to hang for his crimes and this will be all the attention I will ever afford that ‘Prick”.
Greg Abbott is already bought and paid for to take over after Perry.
Like Perry, “He’s as crooked as a barrel of snakes.”