San Francisco Residents On Alert As Home Invasions Spike 42%

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

San Francisco residents are on edge and sounding the alarm amid a spate of brazen break-ins throughout the city, according to KPIX5, which notes that burglaries in the city were up 42% in the first nine months of the year vs. the same period in 2019.

“In the Northern District, which includes Pacific Heights, the Marina, North Beach, and Cow Hollow, it’s up 59%. In the Mission, 79% and in the Richmond up 50%,” according to the report.

A recent example is a video posted on Nextdoor and given to KPIX 5 from one homeowner in the Cow Hollow neighborhood that shows a man trying to break into a house at 1:52 a.m. on August 22. It’s an image that’s creepy, disturbing and has shaken a sense of safety.

The homeowner didn’t want his identity revealed, but others say these attempted burglaries have been rampant. –KPIX5

Our next-door neighbor got broken into and they had already experienced another break-in a month prior to that,” said resident Ginny Fang, who lives in the city’s North Beach neighborhood. Thieves stole four of her family’s bicycles several weeks ago in a breaking and entry.

You take a walk down the neighborhood and you see so many holes just punched into garages and wires, the same wire that was used to hook ours, you see them, laying around on the street,” she said.

According to San Francisco Police, the department is getting more reports of garage break-ins recently.

“We’re doing all we can to step up patrols and to ultimately arrest those who are committing these crimes,” said offcier Robert Rueca.

“It’s so hard, the destabilizing feeling, and there’s already so much happening in the world and even the basic sanctity of your home,” said Fang.

5 thoughts on “San Francisco Residents On Alert As Home Invasions Spike 42%

    1. Guess it is coming to their door. They will either nut up or take it like spineless cowards, or maybe they will just run.

  1. This is one of the reasons I moved out of Chitcago area 10 years ago. Home invasions were not uncommon
    I have warned my family (still in Illinois) this is what is coming and they had better fortify their homes and be heavily armed if they decide to stay there.

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