Sandy Hook: Whole City Got Free Houses!

Before It’s News – by N. Morgan

New information has come to light about Sandy Hook and the residents who resided there. It would seem their mortgages were paid off and they received free homes. Why? Why would Sandy Hook give away houses? Because it was a set for a major False Flag Op. This is incredible information is yet another piece to this puzzle. Still think it was just a random massacre?  

LINK to look for yourself:… Just pick Newtown as the city and then plug in any street name.

5 thoughts on “Sandy Hook: Whole City Got Free Houses!

  1. I’ve seen something about this a little while back. A land agent said that they revamped their system and had to reset every property information and used that date for all and zero for the amounts…… Yea right.

  2. I wish I could receive a free house. So all I have to do is create a fake story and be a part of it? That’s easy enough. I’m an English graduate with drama experience. Where do I sign?

    Nah! Forget it. I’m not a sellout to my country.

  3. “This is incredible information is yet another piece to this puzzle. Still think it was just a random massacre?”

    No one here thinks it was a massacre, random or otherwise.

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