SC Jury Indicts White Officer for Killing Black Man – Media Ignores

Truth Revolt – by Bradford Thomas

In a case with several parallels to both the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases, a South Carolina grand jury indicted a white police officer with murder Wednesday for the shooting of an unarmed black man. Despite the significant parallels and timing, however, the national media has largely ignored the story.

In May 2011, Bernard Bailey, a 54-year-old African American, came to the Eutawville (population 300) police department to complain about his daughter’s recent taillight ticket. When Police Chief Richard Combs, 35, attempted to arrest Bailey for obstruction of justice, Bailey refused and marched outside to his truck. Combs pursued Bailey to his truck and attempted to turn off the ignition, which resulted in a physical struggle between the two, ending with Combs shooting Bailey twice in the chest.  

Though Combs claimed that his arm was tangled in the steering wheel and feared for his life should Bailey drive away, prosecutors said Combs had initiated the struggle that led to Bailey’s death.

Wednesday, an Orangeburg County grand jury agreed with the prosecutors, indicting Combs for murder, which carries a 30 years to life sentence—a far harsher penalty than the original “misconduct in office” charge brought by prosecutors, carrying a 10-year maximum prison sentence.

Bailey’s family reached a $400,000 wrongful death settlement with the city in August.

AP reports that Combs is the third officer charged for on-duty shooting in South Carolina this year:

A white police officer in North Augusta was charged with misconduct in office in August in the shooting death of a 68-year-old unarmed black man at his home after a chase. A state trooper was charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature in September when he shot an unarmed black man he had pulled over as the man reached in his car to get his wallet. That shooting was captured on the trooper’s dashboard camera and shown around the world. Both officers are awaiting trials.

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4 thoughts on “SC Jury Indicts White Officer for Killing Black Man – Media Ignores

  1. You do not complain to the police or about them in America. They do not take complaints about officers there or any were else in America. And you complain about the police in America it is standard procedure to murder you in America. Had them try that more than once in America. The American police are to proud a organisation to take complaints about them selfs. And will brag to your face on it before they pull the triger.

  2. “Despite the significant parallels and timing, however, the national media has largely ignored the story.”

    Because it’s not part of the production.

    No script.

  3. Several points here. This story is making the rounds to combat police brutality and murdering. In perspective, cops killed 1,000 citizens just last year.

    Point: cop was INDICTED, not CONVICTED AND JAILED.

    Point: they have to go back 3 years to find a cop indicted (not CONVICTED AND JAILED btw…., just INDICTED), while just this week cops killed a 7 year old girl, a 12 year old boy, and a guy with pills in his pocket the cop thought was a gun, and 1,000 others in the last year.

    This story is definitely being paraded around and not put into proper perspective.

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