School cut off Valedictorian’s microphone during speech

Dallas News |

My Fox DFW – by Brandon Todd

A North Texas high school silenced its Valedictorian’s microphone during his speech, prompting questions over his free speech rights.

Students attending the Joshua High School graduation say Remington Reimer’s microphone was cut off, right when he began to talk about the Constitution.

“He just said, he was talking about getting constitutional rights getting taken away from him,” Colin Radford, a Joshua H.S. graduate, said. “And then he said, just yesterday they threatened to turn my microphone off, and then his microphone went off.”

Reimer, who was accepted into the Naval Academy, had his speech pre-approved by the school district.

Joshua Independent School District issued a statement:

“Student speakers were told that if their speeches deviated from the prior-reviewed material, the microphone would be turned off, regardless of content. When one student’s speech deviated from the prior-reviewed speech, the microphone was turned off, pursuant to District policy and procedure.”

Many attendees initially asked if the microphone was turned off because Reimer mentioned religion.

But since the ceremony opened and closed with a prayer, and Reimer’s speech mentioned God and Jesus throughout, graduate Zachery Hull believes it had nothing to do with religion.

“Freedom of speech,” Hull said. “He said what he was going to say, they did what they had to do. Everyone was right.”

Reimer’s mother told FOX 4 off camera that she, her family and her son had no comment.

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5 thoughts on “School cut off Valedictorian’s microphone during speech

  1. A world built on lies needs a lot of censorship to survive, and our particular world is so thoroughly built of lies that it can’t even tolerate the opinions of a high school kid.

    It’s pathetic that the school administration feels so threatened by the opinions their valedictorian. They should have let the local idiot make the speech and everyone would have been safe.

    1. You want the solution? Walk away from formal education. The key to all of this, every issue we face on this planet is to walk away from our own enslavement. Formal education = paid enslavement. Don’t fight the system, just walk away.

      1. In 100% agreement with you,Constable. The only way to win the game is NOT to play “their” game. With all the crap going on in the public indoctrination centers across this country today, my most valuable thing in life, my child, would NEVER be turned over to the Commies to educate anyway. Every thing I believe and stand upon is the total opposite of what is taught in these schools, so as a parent, I could never have my child taught everything contrary to me. Just saw another article on “From the Trenches” about how fast homeschooling is growing, so that will be the next big bullseye for the PTB to hit upon. After all, we can’t have a bunch of free thinking, liberty-minded children to be the next generation to run this country, now could we?? Not according to the NWO’s game plan!!

      2. Right! Everything one needs to know is out there on the internet — one only needs to make a plan for the academic skills and then start studying.

  2. The things those kids really need to know these days aren’t taught in schools (indoctrination centers) anyway – prepping for survival and military tactics/shooting skills.

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