I wish I could say this was a first, but Libs of TikTok obtained photos of another teacher who is also not-so-secretly a drag queen. Bryce Thomas Van Vreede, who goes by Nova Caine when in drag, is a special education teacher at Pulaski High School near Green Bay, Wisconsin.

We spoke with a concerned parent within the school who told us that Van Vreede had allegedly told students how to find him on social media by providing them with his Instagram and TikTok handles (novacaine_queen), exposing them to the shocking images he had shared of himself. Among the images that students allegedly saw is a nearly nude photo Bryce wore to an “Anything But Clothes” party. He poses with his back to the camera, wearing what seems to be a duct tape thong. As you can see, pretty much nothing is left to the imagination.

In a Halloween post captioned, “Sorry, mom.” he poses in skin-tight leather shorts, a strappy harness contraption, and a whip. I’m glad he apologized to his mother, but he should really be apologizing to the students who were unfortunate enough to see these. What kind of person would deliberately expose children to imagery like this?

Although Bryce made his social media accounts private amid the scandal, some parents suspect he was attempting to groom students by informing them about his alter ego’s social media pages. A parent said, “You can say till you’re blue in the face that he’s not grooming kids, but if you’re directing them to your Instagram, that’s inaccurate…the fact that he put everything to private after this was mentioned, he knew what he was doing was wrong.”
According to our source, when the school administration caught wind of the inappropriate photos, they allegedly did nothing and claimed that it does not affect his professional role. Parents within the school district say they were ignored by the Pulaski High School administration when they tried to confront the school about Van Vreede’s inappropriate actions.
Van Vreede is still employed at Pulaski High School, according to its website. The school did not respond to our request for comment.