6 thoughts on “Senate Bill 686 Gives WEF Full Control Over America, Gives Citizens 20 Years in Prison For Dissent

  1. you only will do the time if you let them catch you alive , make them pay for every move they make on you

  2. LOL
    I for one would just like to ensure that these cuckles know that I have, am and will dissent.
    come get me cockfags.

  3. The idiots in the Senate got the “Bill” number wrong…shoulda been “666”… Bwahahahahahahahahahahah!
    And sorry, but GPS doesn’t work real well out here, so good luck arresting me…. Watch out for mountain lions… and feral hogs too, all over the place….

  4. Those words in the title: “Gives full control,”… Who’s doing the giving? Oh that’s right, they’re giving it to THEMSELVES!! Well, it ain’t for the taking. Try it. “Dissent” is everywhere, and that ain’t the least of it.


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