Shades Of Jade Helm? Surprise Military Exercise Just Rattled Residents Of This Northern US City

Western Journalism – by Norvell Rose

For the past few months, Western Journalism has been reporting on Jade Helm 15, the so-called “military exercise” the Pentagon claims is a training mission being conducted in Texas and other states in the southwest United States. Ted Cruz — the senator from the Lone Star State who’s running for the GOP presidential nomination — has said he appreciates those, including Chuck Norris, who are skeptical of the government’s explanation for the widespread troop and equipment movements and maneuvers.  


As B. Christopher Agee noted in a recent post on Western Journalism:

Jade Helm 15, a planned military exercise that has sparked speculation of an underlying effort to institute martial law, is now getting the attention of some high-profile figures in the southwestern states affected.

Chuck Norris spoke out recently, echoing the fears many have regarding the actual scope of the domestic mission. He made it clear, however, that his grievance is not directed toward the enlisted men and women ordered to take part.

Now, as WNEM-TV reports, the U.S. Army is also conducting military exercises in Flint, Mich., where residents say they were caught off-guard when explosions rocked portions of the city. A spokesman for Flint city government says the blasts were part of a training program to help prepare the military for combat in urban environments.

By clicking on the video above, you can watch the report on the house-rattling military exercise that startled and upset a number of Flint residents — an exercise that will reportedly continue for more than a week.

3 thoughts on “Shades Of Jade Helm? Surprise Military Exercise Just Rattled Residents Of This Northern US City

  1. Just to let us know that they will practice capturing and killing us any damn time they please. I, personally, have no further questions.

    1. The ‘exercises’ explanation for the explosions was really just a cover for fracking, Millard.

      Heh, heh, heh…

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