9/11 Exposed 2nd Edition – Documentary (2015)

Published on May 2, 2015 by ConspiracyScope

2 thoughts on “9/11 Exposed 2nd Edition – Documentary (2015)

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    I could not even make it to the 10 minute mark this is done so poorly.

    The several minutes I saw, the technical information was correct, however,.. the producer/editor’s ability to tell the story of one of the most import event’s,… if not THE most important event in American history,…. is none existent!!!!

    This “film” is a perfect example of how some people get some editing software, and an idea,….. and completely use one to destroy the potential of the other.

    To bad,.. I am of course always interested in learning anything new about 9/11,.. or even just seeing a perspective of 911 well told,…. and unfortunately,…. at least up to about the 10 minute mark,.. this film failed either of those possible outcomes utterly.

    JD – US Marines – Conspiracyscope,… if your going to tell a story,… then please,… LEARN HOW TO TELL A STORY, ESPECIALLY ONE AS IMPORTANT AS 911!!!!!


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