Sheriff Arpaio offers 2-day ‘summer camp’

AZ Family – by David Baker

PHOENIX (KPHO/KTVK) – Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is offering a two-day summer camp for kids designed to teach them about the dangerous road they could head down if they get involved with drugs, alcohol, and/or gangs.

It’s called Sheriff Arpaio’s Camp Summer Stars and takes place at Tent City. The program combines two others from the Sheriff’s Office: T.O.U.G.H. Tents and S.T.A.R.S., which are designed to show young people the realities of jail life and to prevent them from getting involved in illegal activity.  

The campers will follow jail regulations, wear inmate clothing, work as inmate laborers, eat jail food, sleep in jail tents/bunks, and attend educational programs.

S.T.A.R.S. stands for Sheriff’s Teaching Abuse Resistance to Students. Along with drug prevention, it also addresses peer pressure, anger management, online safety and issues of self-esteem and respect.

T.O.U.G.H. Tents stands for Teen Orientation Underscore Good Habits. It is an anti-drug, anti-crime program aimed at showing kids the realities of jail life before they find out the hard way.

“Kids will learn some valuable lessons,” said Sheriff Arpaio in a statement. “They will have some fun too.”

The June dates are Thursday and Friday, June 23 and 24.

The July dates are Thursday and Friday, July 21 and 22.

Parents can register their kids by calling 602-876-1685.

There are going to be two age groups: 8-12 and 13-18. The kids will spend the night after being dropped off by parents. The camp runs from 8:00 a.m. on the first day until 4:00 p.m. on the second day.

You can view the flyer below or by clicking/tapping here..

Copyright 2016 KPHO/KTVK (KPHO Broadcasting Corporation). All rights reserved.

One thought on “Sheriff Arpaio offers 2-day ‘summer camp’

  1. Just who the F’ does this Sheriff Arpaio think he is. A community leader? Don’t make me laugh!!!

    “Yes children, you will learn the smell of a “beaner” at my camp, I have some confiscated stinking “beaner” cloth that, with one whiff, will be indelibly burned into your memory until the end of time.” (If truth be told) “You will also receive instruction on proper butt-cheek spreading.” “It’s a 2 day camp so you’ll receive one night of “personal instruction” from Sheriff Joe himself!” Oh, boy!

    Sheriff Arpaio is a media whore. He loves his celebrity. He says he’s fighting for us but he’s part of the problem. He’s the last person in Arizona that should be wearing a badge. He is the definition of “Pig”.

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