University of Oklahoma Introduces 24/7 ‘Microagression’ Hotline

Breitbart – by Ben Kew

The University of Oklahoma has revealed it will be introducing a hotline designed as a means for students to complain about microagressions and bias incidents.

The hotline promises to be a “safe place” for students to raise concerns and report incidents, which is open 24/7 all year round.  

Details of the service were obtained in a contract by The College Fix, in which the service is coined as a ‘bias hotline,’  with the cost of running the service revealed at approximately $15,000 a year.

“We developed Safe Campus at the urging of some of our long standing education partners who are committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and healthy learning environment. Incidents of discrimination, bullying, harassment, and misconduct continue to be serious issues on our college campuses,” the university said in a statement. 

“The hotline will be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to members of the OU community as a centralized place for assistance in locating information, resources and policies related to diversity, inclusion and equity for all campus constituency groups.”

It is understood the university is making a particular effort to understood incidents of discrimnation on campus after brothers of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity were filmedsinging a racist chant.

You can follow Ben Kew on Facebook, on Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at

2 thoughts on “University of Oklahoma Introduces 24/7 ‘Microagression’ Hotline

  1. “Hello, is this the Oklahoma “Microagression hotline? Please transfer me to the “Majoragression” hotline! There’s some whiney little PC asshats that need a good “bitch-slapping”!

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