Shots fired into Memphis, Tenn. church

St. Matthews Learning Center (image from Google Street View)RT

Shots were fired into a church in Memphis, Tennessee on Wednesday night. Police found no victims at the site.

The shooting reportedly happened during night choir practice at St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church.

The Deacon of the church told FOX13 that he noticed holes from the bullets when he was leaving the building after the event early Thursday morning.  

Local police say there are no suspects so far.

This comes as 9 people were killed when a gunmen opened fire in a historic church in Charleston, SC., killing 9 people.

“There is nothing indicating that this shooting is connected in any way to the shooting in South Carolina,” Memphis police told FOX13.

7 thoughts on “Shots fired into Memphis, Tenn. church

  1. “The Deacon of the church told FOX13 that he noticed holes from the bullets when he was leaving the building after the event early Thursday morning.”

    Must have been a real roof-raising practice session if they never even heard the shots.

  2. “There is nothing indicating that this shooting is connected in any way to the shooting in South Carolina,” Memphis police told FOX13.”

    Goes without saying. Even patsies can’t be in two places at once.

    But you just HAD to put that out there anyway, didn’t you.

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