Somalis Demand Public School Immersion Program

Progressives Today

Kayse Jama, who just happens to be the director of the Center For Intercultural Organizing, the non profit that held the “blacks only” #Ferguson meeting a few weeks ago, was at a recent Portland Public Schools board meeting, to demand 5 new full time staff positions for a Somali immersion program.  

From the video, seen at Daylight Disinfectant:

“The Five all time positions are:
1. Full-Time Somali Teacher on “Special Assignment”
2. Full-Time Somali Teacher for Native Language Literacy Program
3. Full-Time HR Dual Immersion Specific Coordinator
4. Full-Time Project Manager
5. Full-Time Somali Community Outreach Specialist”

4 thoughts on “Somalis Demand Public School Immersion Program

  1. They’ve been dumping Somalis in every all white town in the US for years with the concomitant social and criminal problems you might expect. All in the name of “diversity”.

  2. Yup, with the help of Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, World Relief, and Jewish Family Services (there may be others). These so-called nonprofit religious agencies rake in $ millions off tax payers and the CEOs of these nonprofits make $ hundreds of thousands in salaries.

    It’s all about destroying the nation by destroying the family and local culture by inserting belligerent Islamists, who don’t get along among their clans, much less with the multi-generational natives of once-homogenous communities in which they’re placed. They refuse to integrate, demand concessions in schools and communities for their Islamic beliefs, teens and young adult men form gangs, they engage in sex trafficking of minors, marry off little girls as young as six, engage in welfare fraud, and their violence and murdering are like a continuation of the piracy and other crimes they committed in their native country.

    Though from 2013, this is a good article at, including the articles in the links and comments.

  3. I’ve got a better Idea. Why don’t we implement a “SHIP THEIR SORRY ASSES OUT OF THIS COUNTRY FOREVER” program?

    I didn’t invite them!!!! Did you? Who the hell do they think they are? HOW DARE THEY??????!!!!!!!!!

  4. Yes, the churches are way beyond neck deep in this BS. They did it to Minnesota and Wisconsin with the Hmongs, now with the Somalis. What kind of traitors are these “pastors” and “priests”?

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