Special OP Veterans Groups Have Launched ‘Counter Jade Helm’ Operation

Special Op Veterans Groups Have Launched 'Counter Jade Helm' OperationInfowars – by Paul Joseph Watson and Joe Biggs

Patriot groups across the country are preparing to launch a ‘Counter Jade Helm’ operation to keep tabs on a controversial U.S. military exercise that some fear is part of preparations to train troops for civil unrest and martial law.

Jade Helm, a “realistic” military training exercise involving nine states, which will involve the Green Berets, Navy Seals, and the 82nd Airborne Division and is set to take place from July 15-Sepember 15, has prompted concerns after Texas and Utah were labeled “hostile” territory in documents related to the exercise.  

Although the U.S. Army insists the drill is designed to prepare troops for combat abroad, concerns have been raised that the exercise is part of a history of the military readying for domestic disorder.

During the drill, soldiers will operate”undetected amongst civilian populations,” to see if they can infiltrate without being noticed. Residents will be encouraged to report “suspicious activity” during the exercise.

In response, patriot groups led by Pete Lanteri, former president of Icon Tactical Industries, will monitor the exercises.

A Facebook page for the initiative promises to, “observe the attempted infiltration of our towns during Operation Jade Helm with self sufficient teams in the field conducting counter surveillance.”

“Our main focus right now is on gathering intel on when and where the military will be infiltrating SOF teams for Operation Jade Helm,” writes Lanteri. “We have the Texas locations. We need verified info on South Cali and Utah locations. Arizona looks like it will only be on 1 military installation. Once we gather that intel and the field teams are informed then we will start posting information on how to go about locating SOF teams in public. Looking for certain mannerisms, etc. But right now we are focused on locations and dates!!”

Over 2,000 people have followed the page so far, with many posting updates about Jade Helm, including speculation that Colorado has told the Army it will refuse to allow state or city property to be used for the drill.

Other similar initiatives, named ‘Operation Tyranny Response’ And ‘Operation Homeland Hawkeye’, have also been launched in response to Jade Helm.

A post attributed to Navy veteran Geoff Ross asserts that he has arranged for 25 retired Navy SEAL, DELTA and Rangers to travel to Washington DC to conduct exercises similar to those described in the Jade Helm documents.

“They will wander around and be tourists. They may pop in and visit a few Congressman or maybe they won’t. Or, maybe they will. The 1st Amendment is about to be exercised. Body cams in place. They practice we practice. We all practice. They visit us. We visit them,” writes Ross.

It is not yet known whether the Oathkeepers organization will take part in any of these campaigns. The Oathkeepers were present during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri last year and protected numerous businesses from being targeted by looters.

Mainstream media coverage of Jade Helm has poured scorn on concerns about the exercise and merely regurgitated Army talking points that the drill is purely designed to prepare troops for overseas combat.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.


11 thoughts on “Special OP Veterans Groups Have Launched ‘Counter Jade Helm’ Operation

  1. I suspect a lot more states and counties will become “hostile” territory before this business is over. I applaud those with the gumption to monitor these military maneuvers. There’s precious little gumption left in this nation. What there is should be supported to the best of our ability.

  2. Two things to watch for: first, this date of July 15th (as the start of Jade Helm) is most likely a lie. Jade Helm WILL start BEFORE this date, and may have even ALREADY started.
    Secondly……be careful about these militias. Some are on the up-and-up, some are government contractors (like The Craft).

  3. “… regurgitated Army talking points that the drill is purely designed to prepare troops for overseas combat.”

    They’ve always managed to train WITHOUT injecting themselves into the general population before, so one can only conclude this is pure bullsh#t.

    1. Agreed
      And the reason now for this is because their plan is to learn and test what a military action here in the home land will look like smell like and feel like
      And how we will act and who will act how

      I was born at night , but not last night
      And I really hate it when someone’s pissing down my leg yelling in my ear that it’s just raining

      Some of us know these are familiar actions , and know what their thought processes look like

    2. “They’ve always managed to train WITHOUT injecting themselves into the general population before”

      Exactly. It’s called a MILITARY BASE! Something they apparently don’t use anymore or just use to keep their supplies and paperwork. And the MSM of course is completely complicit in ignoring this fact.

  4. We have to make a trip (road trip, we don’t fly) down to TX in August (no choice, must be at that time). Our town is listed as one of the Bases.
    Should be interesting…
    Wonder what will happen when I’m seen in my Trenches T-Shirt…

  5. “A Facebook page for the initiative promises to, “observe the attempted infiltration of our towns during Operation Jade Helm with self sufficient teams in the field conducting counter surveillance.””

    That’s right. Keep telling CIA and NSA what you plan on doing and how to find you. WTF is wrong with them?

    ““They will wander around and be tourists. They may pop in and visit a few Congressman or maybe they won’t. Or, maybe they will. The 1st Amendment is about to be exercised. Body cams in place. They practice we practice. We all practice. They visit us. We visit them,” writes Ross.”

    Great plan! I’ll put on my hula shirt, grab a pina colada, and sit outside the White House area in DC on my lawn chair with my sunglasses on.

    WTF is wrong with these people? Is this a joke?

    “It is not yet known whether the Oathkeepers organization will take part in any of these campaigns. The Oathkeepers were present during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri last year and protected numerous businesses from being targeted by looters.”

    Yes, because the Oathbreakers have worked so well for the Bundy Ranch, Ares Armor and many other incidences.

    But hey, this is AJ propaganda, so what do you expect. He’s got his own army of paid agent provocateurs to help him with his controlled opposition campaign.

  6. Out the gate this drill both sounds & looks eerily like a domestic version of the Vietnam war era’s ‘Phoenix Program’*
    Who’s the new, alive & improved Ted Shackley Jr. should be the question on everyone’s lips.
    Ever wonder if Jade Helm will follow in OP GLADIO’s footsteps & leave in more than a few ‘stay behind’ operatives for the long term infiltration/operational objectives after it’s “officially over”?……I do.

    If I were a Texan or a Mormon I’d be pissed off…
    If I were a Mormon Texan. Doubly so.

    As said above, I too, suspect that it is indian country already, with that kind of announcement & exercise timetable, it could very well result in a few Unintended Consequences.

    Pissed off Texans can be hell on wheels…Plus, Mormon’s have kick-ass magic underwear & God on their side. They may have made a monumentally terrible mistake with their choice of opponents it seems?

    As I’ve said before,@ least the 18/19 year old soldiers will have a tough time growing that bitchin cop ‘stache/hipster beard?…….Be on the lookout for tattooed, pierced, peach-fuzzed, smartphone faced boys n’ girls. Their cars bumpin the same crappyass rap tune loudly. Rockin the same haircut, dressed like posterchildren for a HotTopic clothing advert……..Er, Um…Hmmmm?..Ok, that might not be as easy as it sounds;)~…….Ok,ok,ok-they might have firearms & an attitude problem?.

    Ahhhhh SHEEUUT!-Not again…Dammit!-that’s gonna be a tough one. Touche’ FedGovCo. Touche’
    -it’s a PERFECT plan ;)~

    *Lottsa dead dudes, chicks, kids, toddlers. babies……..& goats:(~

  7. It’ll be interesting to see what tourist trade businesses in the local tourist town 12 miles as the crow flies do when all these “tourists” come to town, especially during the 4th of July and the Marfa Lights Festival…if they come here of course, but after all the reporters and media folks came out here during the Republic of Texas Standoff I suspect locals will know who the “infiltrators” are…

    Folks a word to the wise: psychopaths can’t master the human domain let alone anything else, because they have no concept of reality.

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