Stock up Brothers and Sisters!


With Sodomite Week in full swing and all the other recent Un-American activities going on…..It is Canning Opener at the Hal Apeeno Homestead!

My personal fight against hunger! Stock up Brothers and Sisters!

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10 thoughts on “Stock up Brothers and Sisters!

    1. Thank you Ma’am! We’ll be pushing it as hard as we can to get as much as possible including seeds. You are right. Ain’t nothin like from the garden! 100% Home Grown like Us!

  1. I’m jealous. I abandoned my garden this year because I have too much to do, and I wouldn’t have been able to get the fence up around it. (which leaves me working for the rabbits) My crazy houseboy is back in jail, so there’s a bit of a labor shortage here.

    1. There is always the farmer’s market. Here the Farmer’s Market is outrageously expensive! I hear ya Jolly Roger, due to the garden other things are behind schedule but it makes my eye twitch thinking about eating Chinese/south of the border humanure funk! Besides, un-used mason jars make for a good and extra hot cocktail 🙂

      Blessings to you and toward your readiness,

      1. Thank you, Hal. I’ll get the fence up later in the summer, and I’ll be ready for next year.
        I’m no farmer (yet), but I never stop hacking away at it.

        I try to keep enough food stored to get me through until next year if there’s an emergency, but I was looking forward to tons of organic veggies, and enough of them to can, and share.

      2. “the Farmer’s Market is outrageously expensive!”

        No kidding – it’s competition to grocery chain corporations and big ag. I looked up the info on becoming a vendor in Sioux City, Iowa:

        “Dues Schedule:
        1 space 10 feet – $375 per year
        2 spaces 22 feet – $575 per year
        3 spaces 34 feet – $775 per year
        4 spaces 46 feet – $975 per year
        5 spaces 58 feet – $1,175 per year

        Electrical Service (110 volt, 20 amps maximum) is available for an additional fee of $60 per year.

        A daily vendor rate of $40 per day per 10 linear feet is available for non-produce vendors only including arts, crafts and food for consumption on-site.”

        In addition, vendors are required to obtain a sales tax permit; licenses for hazardous food products (if applicable); and comprehensive general liability insurance with policy limits not less than a combined single limit for bodily Injury, property damage, and personal injury liability of $100,000 per occurrence and $300,000 aggregate.

        After looking at all the zollars required to just vend some fresh fruits and vegetables for 1 or 2 days a week during the summer, and the necessity of passing on these costs to consumers, I wouldn’t even bother with a farmer’s market in Iowa, buying or selling, and I’m sure that’s the intended outcome of all the licenses and fees.

          1. The local satan masons will kick you off the lot and give you a free trip to jail for attempts, especially any such as that, to outwit them.

          2. Yup, been there and had my say but they did recruit the local “muscle” to get the job done. 😆 Outwit the unwitting! That’s a good one.

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