Texas cop guns down 93-year-old woman, but police ‘not ready’ to say whether she was armed

'Policeman with gun' [Shutterstock] http://tinyurl.com/ku2ejzlRaw Story – by David Edwards

Authorities in Hearne, Texas are refusing to say if a 93-year-old woman was armed when a police officer shot her at least five times on Tuesday.

According to KBTX, Pearlie Golden was at her home on Karney Street when she was shot by the Hearne police officer. Golden, who was known as Ms. Sully by her friends, was later pronounced dead after being transported to St. Joseph Hospital.  

“Hearne police are not ready to say whether Golden was armed or why the officer felt threatened,” KBTX reported.

Robertson County District Attorney Coty Siegert told the station that he could not explain the shooting.

“All I know is that they were called out here,” Siegert said. “They were dispatched out here to address the situation. Again, I’m not sure exactly what that situation was, but it was not a random encounter.”

Neighbor Lawanda Cooke said she couldn’t imagine why police would need to shoot a sweet woman like Golden.

“Even if she did have a gun, she is in her 90’s,” Cooke pointed out. “They could have shot in the air to scare her. Maybe she would have dropped it. I don’t see her shooting anyone.”

The district attorney’s officer planned to file standard procedure and present the case to a grand jury, Siegert said. Texas Rangers were also investigating.

The Hearne Police Department had promised a statement on the shooting, but it had not been released by the time of publication.

Watch the video below from KBTX, broadcast May 7, 2014.

[‘Policeman with gun’ [Shutterstock] http://tinyurl.com/ku2ejzl]


9 thoughts on “Texas cop guns down 93-year-old woman, but police ‘not ready’ to say whether she was armed

  1. so i learned that , that pos in Kentucky that shot that 19yr old girl will not even be investigated, fn shit….

  2. maybe its time we all adopt their procedures when coming into contact with them..

    Shoot first, than say you feared for your life…

    than say nothing more and demand your 2 week paid vacation on the tax payers dole

    when do we start fighting back?

    1. damned right.
      what’s the point of having a gun if you arent willing to use it?

      if someone aproches you with a gun drawn then under the rules of engagement it imply’s intent.
      ask anybody in the military – the “ROE” is something they hammer home real hard.

      1. Were I live today the law is clear. All persons are under return fire law. That includes the police. A officer here shot a person running away in the back. And he was fired on the spot so a criminal investigation could start. The person running was unarmed. And fleeing the person with the shotgun. But here the police do not fire first! Or they have no job at quiting time! And it works well. Now in the bush here were there are gurillas about. That is a marshal law area. Different rules there. But then pull a knife on a cop here. And learn about the 3 foot bamboo batton training they have as well. We need a return fire law in America as well. Save 1000s of lifes a year there.

  3. At this point, it looks like most of these are staged “AgitProp” Hoaxes. They are trying to provoke those of us who are awake, but have not caught on to this yet.

    We KNOW, that Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing and many other events have been complete staged Hoaxes.

    What we don’t know is….How long has it been going on and how deep does it go?

    We KNOW it goes back at least as far as the Fake CNN News Gulf War report in 1991. That’s over 20 years ago.

  4. ““Hearne police are not ready to say whether Golden was armed or why the officer felt threatened,” KBTX reported”

    The MSM once again catering to the cops rather than the victim, as always, as ordered by their corporate bosses.

    Who the hell cares if or why the officer felt threatened!!!!!??? IT’S IN HIS JOB DESCRIPTION!!!

    When you are a policeman you are constantly being threatened. IT’S ALL APART OF THE JOB!!! DUH!!

    Can’t handle the job, then quit! Don’t start shooting people.

    But of course, these are the assholes they hire nowadays. Psychos and then cater to them by saying, “Oh he felt threatened”

    Seriously? ARE YOU MEN OR MICE?

  5. Apparently, age is no exemption.

    Can it get any more obvious? EVERYONE is fair game for these low-life scumbag communist thugs.

    A reckoning coming soon. Can’t be soon enough.

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