The Government Controlled News Doesn’t have a Monopoly on Propaganda. Beware of Disinformation Agents in Patriot Media

The Lone Star Watchdog

The other side is in a panic. Their propaganda machine is falling apart and dying. They are puffing up the police state to sell the perception of being powerless. The real problem is it is not the old main stream dinosaur media who are projecting a state of helplessness. The old media is preaching to a small choir. They do not have the ratings like they use to. They are talking out loud to a nearly empty room. So who is it imparting it is futile to resist crap to us now?  

It is coming from the Patriot Movement with disinformation agents.  Here is an example. Alex Jones sent his news crew out to the University of Texas campus asking the people, mainly collage students on how to cut cost on Obamacare. The question was “should we all wear helmets to walk on the sidewalk to save money on Obamacare?” Well 14 out of 20 people said “yes”.

We can not afford to give them a pass and not question them. They have to be held accountable to keep them honest.

Here is another example of disinformation propaganda. Mark Dice is talking on the Boardwalk in San Diego. He is asking questions about taking away the guns from the law abiding and repealing the Bill of Rights.  There are serious flaws with these two activist doing man on the street surveys on video cameras.

First,here is an analogy I will use when trying to get an accurate pulse of the people using the illustration where to place a thermometer around you home to get an accurate reading of the temperature to make my point to you.

I brought a mini weather station that measures the humidity, wind speed and direction, a barometer, the Dew Point and temperature. In order to get an accurate temperature reading. I had to place the sensors in the right place not to get a false reading. If I place the temperature sensor too close to the house with the heat from the sun radiating heat off the siding on the house. I will get a false reading of the temperature higher than it really is. This is why it is important the temperature sensor being the right place to get the best reading possible with accuracy is necessary..

This is why when we want to get the pulse of the people. We have to go to places and not rely on big cities where the result can be misleading and flawed. We have to find out what the people think in rural areas just as much as big cities. We can not put all our eggs in one basket and say that is the way it is when it is not. We can not ignore all other demographics and concentrating on one making it fact when there is a flaw in it all.

We can not afford to give them a pass and not questioning them. They have to be held accountable. I must be held accountable just as much. I am not above reproach. I do not want to put Alex Jone and Mark Dice in reproach. They done good work overall.  The truth is they can not use the Obama trendies or sports junkies as a cop out excuse based on sidewalk petition in trendy areas of town.

Here is what I see. We have to go to the next level which is the battle plan of non violent individual effort. Remember this. Jesus was not the only man who walked on water. Peter walked on water too. If Peter would have kept his eyes on Jesus. He would have made it in the boat. Instead Peter got distracted by the waves and the wind. When Peter saw this. He started to sink almost drowning because he was side tracked by the waves and the wind.

Same with us. We have to stop being distracted by the trendies and sports junkies as a cop out holding us back from taking action. We will sink if we worry about them. We have to be focused and determined keeping our eyes on the goal of restoring freedom. The people who fought the British army were only 3 percent of the population did use the cop out of the apathetic obsessed with whatever distraction of what was the bread and circuses events of the day crowd. That did not stop them. They made no excuses using the loyalist or the Tories as a reason not the fight back. They were persistent in their quest for liberty in the face of all odds. Our republic will be taken back by a tireless minority in an uphill battle and not by a majority consent. Trendies ,Sport Junkies and those who watch Oprah and Jerry Springer are irrelevant. It comes down to tireless minority of individuals setting brush fires in the minds of men.

These petitions these men did only serve as a distracting and discouraging people from taking action because they see a few brain dead trendies who can’t think for themselves saying the speak for society as a whole. We have become our own worse enemy because we are paralyzed with indecisiveness because we lament on what is bad and not building on the victories we been having against the establishment.

Do not blame the Obama Zombies and the liberal trendies. Blame ourselves for the lack of action because these two men did a petition in places that do not speak for America as a whole.

The flaw with Mark Dice and Alex Jones is they hang out too long in leftist collage towns. Austin is called the Moscow on the Colorado for a good reason for a long time. Mark Dice has lived too long Southern California along the coast. Especially San Diego a collage town that has a bunch of brain dead people concentrated in one area. Neither of these places speak for California ,Texas or America as a whole. These petition only speaks for one segment of society. It does not reflect all of America as a whole. This is why these petitions are tainted.

I suggest Mark Dice go to the rural cities in California and ask the same question. He would get a different answer and result. Maybe Mark should take a drive to the northern part of the state that wants to secede from Sacramento to form a new state. Mark should use that condescending NPR voice to ask those same questions. He would be chased out of town with a mob with pitchforks. Asking dumb questions on the boardwalk where leftist congregate does not speak for the population as a whole.

Alex Jones should go to the small towns of Texas and ask those people if they should wear helmets using the sidewalks. He would get a different answer. They laugh in his face. When Alex Jones had Stuart Rhodes the head of Oathkeepers as a guest. When Alex said 14 out of 20 agreed we should wear helmets to use the public sidewalk. Stuart said” That is not Texas” Meaning that they do not speak for Texas. Alex tried to question the inaccurate survey again. Stuart did not answer the question because it does not reflect Texas.

In Alex Jones’s monthly Infowars magazine November 2013 issue on page 45 quotes using the results on the University of Texas in Austin that is not accurate selling the perception that all Americans are like this saying:

“Many members of the public are so indoctrinated that they go along with any control freak measure no matter how insane and draconian it may be”

That quote was based on that sidewalk survey in Austin near the UT campus asking brain dead trendies.

*Not finding fault mentioning in the magazine. I am not blaming anyone or finding fault. They misspelled the word “insane” wrong. Instead the word printed is “inane” instead. It is most likely an honest mistake by the printers, the writers or both. No condemnation intended.

Anyway when the system is in panic with low approval rating and mistrust in government becoming very hostile. There is an awakening happening. If we lose, it will not be those indoctrinated people that will bring us down. I will be that Alex Jones and Mark dice with other disinformation agents lamenting selling a learned state of helplessness that will be our downfall because they will never say organize for mutual defense or calling for civil disobedience against the tyrants in power.

The freedom movement has a lot of strength to project. Gun sales are through the roof because the mistrust of government. We can take back the republic if we stop lamenting and start organizing to defend ourselves and neighbors. We are strong, there is no reason we have to fear the technocrats and bureaucrats anymore if we get our act together thinking for ourselves and not take the word Alex Jones and Mark Dice that all is lost because they took a survey that inaccurately portrays these brain dead people speaking for America when it is very misleading.

Think for yourself and not allow others to tell you what you think. The US government and the state run media does not have a monopoly on propaganda. I see in patriot broadcasters spreading disinformation so we never organize against tyranny.

Do you see this disinformation in the patriot media?

see the You Tube Link Below to see

Sent to us by the author.

24 thoughts on “The Government Controlled News Doesn’t have a Monopoly on Propaganda. Beware of Disinformation Agents in Patriot Media

  1. Dice might be the worst. Truly I have a hard time believing he does not edit out of his videos intelligent answers so it looks as if everyone he interviews is an idiot, supporting his own agenda. Like I say a lot, I do not know anyone out here in the mountains of far west Texas who doesn’t know who the president is, who wants fewer rights and more oppression, and who wants gun confiscation, like it seems most of the folks in his videos wants. Funny how Jones can interview college kids in Austin, Texas and get politically correct answers all the time…if he came out to Sul Ross State he’d get far less politically correct answers–and most of the students are minority!

    1. I’m from Austin, TX and I can tell you, AJ is full of shit. No one wants OBAMACARE!! I quit my previous job where SWAT raided my workplace (while I no longer work there, I can tell you that the place that got raided and where I worked at was none other than the Fascist billion dollar corporation known as Liquidation Channel which sells crappy jewelry on Cable and Satellite TV 24/7) and I can tell you that NO ONE at that job wanted Obamacare and they all refused to sign anything having to do with Obamacare and had no problems expressing their opinions or reasons behind it.

      So AJ can take his survey and shove it up his fat ass.

      And as far as people being for gun confiscation goes, try finding ammo anywhere in Austin. Other than shotgun ammo, you’ll be waiting a long time. So again, he can stuff it up his ass.

      I’m with you, DL. Don’t listen to these Zionist shills.

  2. Yep, it’s like I’ve been saying, Mark Dice’s surveys are biased, as he practically interviews all degenerates and illegal immigrants and never anyone with a brain in their head and tries to make people think we are helpless when we are not. I stopped watching his pathetic videos a long time ago. He was also one of those shills who endorsed the “Gray State” propaganda film or trailer that seems to never be meant to get made. Like AJ, just buy his books and he’ll be happy making money and taking advantage of you and the corruption that we are living in.

    As far as Stewart Rhodes is concerned, I lost respect for him when he and his oathkeeper buddies did nothing during the Boston incident when they were in Boston that same week for a fundraiser. Instead of helping the people and standing up for them and their OATHS in protecting the Constitution and Bill of Rights as their motto states, they just hypocritically sat back and watched the government piss all over it as they declared martial law on We the People there. Especially my cousin and her husband who were forced by the government to evacuate from their home there for 24-48 hours. Thanks for lifting a finger and doing all you can to protect their rights, you bastards. And you expect people to give money to you? No better than AJ and the rest of them. Oathkeepers are a bunch of hypocrites as far as I’m concerned and until proven otherwise.

    1. NC….I didn’t see your comment here when I lift one. As for Oathkeepers…I followed that a bit and emailed them asking of them to file a law suit against Obama for his fake ID’s rather than talk about it month after month……..I never even got an answer back from them…and I am a combat vet, supposedly in support of our Const….well,
      that was the last time I ever thought of OAthKeepers…..
      I personally am unfamiliar with any of the Patriot bunch….I ran across this siteFTTWR months ago and believed there were and are real people here…and have come here to learn of and to be a part of this on going struggle…in our own land…..For me, it all began in the 1960’s with the Nam war, the military draft and my sending a hand written letter I did to my local draft board concerning that war and my then driving to Canada for awhile,,,,I went through the landed immigrant statis there, one could not work for 3 full months…I ran out of money…and did return….was drafted and so forth….Nam….I would have put this aside had the US not kept the war going as it has via giving it a different name within another country…and its yet ongoing…one of the things that got jfk killed was the war….and look at it…..still ongoing…………Pure Insanity…..and now they want to do it to us right in our own cities…..guess my judgement was correct in the 60’s wasn’t it.

  3. This story carries truth to it. It’s especially important to remember of what is said about the original US Nationals who did the fighting with the British…think this writer refers to 1%…of those at that time….That tells us, it’s possible the US can be turned towards the US Const, by a small percentage of americans working to get it there…..the masses of populace are not needed for this to happen….I am encouraged. Stay resolute to the idea of changing and by force if needed, the US criminals who control the US…we the people can change America….a small % are required, I believe also, thats the way its always been through-out history…not just US History…..small numbers of people actually get large things done.

    1. Well imagine what a large number of people can do. Even bigger things can get done and at an even faster rate. We could be the most advanced country on the planet, once again in a matter of months, not years or decades.

      I don’t want just a small percentage fighting. I want the whole damn population to rise up and make the world see that this is how you take out the trash and exterminate these Zionist/Communist bastards from existence, so that the next Zionist/Communist wannabe will feel it and think twice before acting. See what I’m sayin’?

      1. I am not aware of a way to….so called, rise up and go get em if you will….
        Battle by spontaneous eruption, isn’t much of a plan, if thats what you mean…

        1. Well if people take over the damn MSM communications and stop letting them get away with broadcasting their lies and propaganda, you’d be amazed at how fast things would change. Until then, as I said before, we are at a stalemate and battling little things here and there with no real noticeable movement forward.

          As I’ve been saying, like all wars, communications is the number one thing. If we can take control of the MSM communications, we can start restoring our country. It may not be the end all solution, but it is a big advantage and a BIG jump start in the right direction.

  4. Are you asking me NC? No. I haven’t watched Vendetta….Honestly, I have not had my TV set on for …oh…three months, I suppose….don’t plan on turning it on either… is too short to spend any time with that, right now. Fact never was a great tv fan anyway…..That’s a great deal what’s wrong with the US and other countries also. Way too much television……want to give yourself a treat, I suggest if you don’t already, start using your local public library…….tks for the idea though.

    1. By the way, I haven’t watched the Stupidtube since 2006. Can’t stand the commercials and other trash channels on there and only watch what I want to watch on the Internet. I pick and choose what I watch and read, rather than have the MSM throw their brainwashing shit at me.

      Honestly, every time I run into a TV that’s turned on somewhere, I want to literally throw a rock right through it. Especially if it is a SMART TV that spies on you. I’d also be much more happier reading something than watching. So I completely understand how you feel.

      1. Smart tv. LOL are you realy serious NC? Damn I hope you are kiddin` 🙂 lol. At least I hope you are kiddin` NC, smart tv. wow. geeze.

        1. What? You don’t want to throw a rock at a SMART TV that spies on you? Then what kind of other ideas do you have in mind, Digs? lol

          And yea I know. I like to call them STUPID TVs since they are not “smart” at all.

          1. LOL, I didn`t know about smart tv`s 🙂 . Boy do I feel dumb now. Guess I wasn`t paying attention. I didn`t think that tv was all that smart anyway lol, NC. 🙂

          2. Yes NC, actually I nailed myself with that old rock upside the ole head a time or two myself 🙂 Yep NC my eyes still see stars and the ears are still ringin` if ya know what I`m sayn` 🙂 Smart tv, yea I guess, too smart for me tee hee hee lol. 🙂

  5. I am not against TV….NC….LOL…..and I will review this “V for Vendetta”
    I can do that right here at this computer……
    Sorry if I put that impression out there….For myself, I have things to do. That’s what I meant…..been that way my whole life, seems………also, I have gone years at a time without a calendar hanging on the wall…… concept of time, must be a bit uncommon…..this year didn’t have one either…I glance somewhere to get the day and so forth…..I think it’s come from being self employed…which I have been and yet am….cheers

    1. LOL. Ok. Sorry if my comments may have come out the wrong way. I wasn’t trying to offend you or anything. My apologies.

  6. You did not offend me….NC…my, far from it. I just now glanced through the film write up on Wikipedia of V for Vendetta, and understand where your suggestion of taking over the MSM communications came from and the idealism of that possibility…. happening, in a true to life setting. The author of the Novel, from which the film script writers wrote the movie script, distanced himself from the film….due to a couple of other hollywood adaptations done of two of his previous novels….am not passing judgement on any of this……seems it would be an interesting film to watch……thanks for the suggestion.

    1. If you liked the book “1984”, you’ll love “V for Vendetta” movie as it was made in 2005 and was almost forecasting the kind of police state world we are living in right now and how government fear and lies have allowed them to take control over the people as they were eager to give up more freedom for security. The ending scene of the movie is what I was talking about where the people rise up against their oppressors and attempt to storm the MSM communications building (which was being blocked by hundreds of cowardly riot police), in order to put an end to the police state government propaganda.

  7. I’m going to view the film….just when, don’t know….Myself, I do not have certainty that anyone has the quick, easy answer on how to stop and reverse what has happened to our country, especially in our life time. Except for the Fed coming into the evil that it is, in 1913, most of the rest has come after WW2…..It’s very likely, this communist, what ever one wants to call it, situation where our Const. no longer matters, will in time fall upon its own face, due to the massive evil consuming itself….I need not bring up a list of interlocking relative, parts of this, as you are aware of them also…..I view this dying country this way. The powers at the top of this struggle are no smarter or tougher than you or I. They are fragile and breakable. They’re such a minority, that’s what is going to happen to them….they are going to break. Exactly how or when, i don’t know….I wish it were five minutes from now! Course, won’t be that. I remind myself occasionally, not to get too down about it…..I am not afraid of marshal law if it should be put upon us. I think it will fail…I don’t believe enough police and sheriff departments will follow along nor the individual state leaderships, either……This monster in reality, is not as big as it thinks it is…is my take on our present situation….
    so keep the faith…..and if need be defend with a firearm….

    1. Hey Rbeason,
      It’s a worthy watch, one of my favorite movies. It’s a classy patriot film that would be right up your alley. I’m certain you would enjoy it.

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