5 thoughts on “The Real Battle For Ukraine

  1. I like this guys videos and I agree with his views on most things, but it is almost sounding like he is on the Putin worship bandwagon that a lot of folks have been riding lately. Pat Buchanan wrote a thing today about God being on Putins side today also.

    Putin is a communist that hates us, not just our leaders. He hates our freedom and our Bill of Rights. His people have very little freedom. It is very hard to even own a weapon in Russia. RT is full of shit as well. They are a mouthpiece for communism in Russia. They have internet TV stations in America, South America and the Middle East, yet they have no advertising on them. How are they paying for all of it?????
    Putin has an agenda and it isn’t something that I want any part of.

    1. I like Brother Natanael though. I just think a lot of folks are getting the communism wool pulled over their eyes with the crap that Putin has been speaking lately. Putin’s goal is to reunite the USSR and destroy America.

  2. Look at the 0:56 mark ,John McCain’s stupid look as Putin mouth whoop’s current US foreign policies and demands. All Putin is saying is mind your on business you hypocrite.

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