Yellowstone Fighting Online Supervolcano Rumors

ABC News

Yellowstone National Park is fighting online rumors that running bison seen in a YouTube video are fleeing a possible explosion of the park’s supervolcano.

The video was posted on March 20, 10 days before a magnitude-4.8 earthquake hit, the park’s strongest quake in 30 years.

Yellowstone posted a video of its own this week, noting that it’s normal for wildlife to move around to find food at lower elevations that isn’t covered by snow at this time of year. Park spokesman Al Nash says there are no signs to suggest that the volcano is about to erupt.

Although the YouTube video says the animals are leaving, park spokesman Dan Hottle told the Jackson Hole Daily ( that they are actually running toward the park’s interior and the volcano.

4 thoughts on “Yellowstone Fighting Online Supervolcano Rumors

    1. You need to ask? Government quietly seeking counties willing to take citizens of the U.S. when Yellowstone erupts.

      There is your answer.

  1. If that volcano blows it wont really matter.
    It will kill off most of the population in the USA.
    For that matter it would have world wide consequences.

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