This is going to be a very short article because I don’t need a lot of room to show this whistle lung disease nonsense is nothing more than fear-mongering and fraud. Remember, these are the same people that told you COVID would kill everyone, masks help, social distancing is science, and the vaccines were safe and effective. Literally everything they have said for the past 4 years is a lie so when do you trust a liar?
First off, Pneumonia is a disease which means it is a collection of symptoms. The symptoms are caused by some underlying factor. I know some of my readers don’t like germ theory but I’m sticking with it because it is an unnecessary fight for my point. The consensus view is that viruses, bacteria, and sometimes environmental factors can cause pneumonia whose symptoms are generally resulting from fluid in the lungs stemming from those underlying issues. This is all pretty straight forward and requires no scientific understanding. The CDC lays it out for you below:
I want to point out the ventilator-associated pneumonia which is critical to understanding the hospital murder protocols but for purposes of this article the most relevant underlying cause is in the sentence following the bullet points – Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
This CDC screenshot above talks about other infections that cause pneumonia and is relevant because there are a ton of causes and it is not uncommon for pneumonia to be prevalent during cold and flu season. What is important is below:
Atypical pneumonia has some different characteristics than “typical pneumonias” such as it can appear different on a chest X-ray than typical pneumonia. While not mentioned here, my understanding is that the appearance on a chest X-ray is more white in the lungs… AKA white lung disease (which is a new and made-up term to scare people). The screenshot from THE CDC below is also important: